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MicroService Architecture

web APIs

communication using language-agnostic apis

independently deployable to Amazon, Azure, ...

practice decentralized data management

continuous integration (not weekly, monthly schedule releases)

native to agile processes

evoluable and scalable architectures

organized around business capabilities

microservices is NOT FE, MT and BE

microservices is split into business capabilities

microservices is optimized for replaceability

microservices technology heterogeneous, partitioned scalability, independent deployment


CON for microservices:

additional servers

container (zero overhead) over VM

micro-s needs no shared data (limited sharing)

solution: bounded context

a domain consists of multiple bounded contexts.

book: domain-driven design


No shared state = no distribute transactions

good old redundancy; isolate the failure

multiple connection pools

isolation (limit inter-service dependencies)

circuit breakers (time out, use cache, block the incoming traffic)


security  - containers and api gateway

As microservices replace monolithic applications, they're proving to be more flexible, but also more complex to secure and protect



API, Web Services & Microservices Testing Pathway


This pathway is a tool to help guide your self development in API, web services and microservices testing. It includes a variety of steps that you may approach linearly or by hopping about to those that interest you most.


Each step includes:

    links to a few resources as a starting point, but you are likely to need to do your own additional research as you explore each topic.

    a suggested exercise or two, which focus on reflection, practical application and discussion, as a tool to connect the resources with your reality.


Take your time. Dig deep into areas that interest you. Apply what you learn as you go.



STEP - Distinguishing APIs and web services

An API (Application Programming Interface) is the means by which third parties can write code that interfaces with other code. A Web Service is a type of API that:

o   is used to exchange data between applications,

o   uses a standard defined by W3C, 

o   has an interface that is depicted in a machine-processable format usually specified as a WSDL (Web Service Description Language), and 

o   almost always operates over HTTP.

Example web service protocols include SOAP, REST, and XML-RPC. An example of an API that is not a web service is the Linux Kernel API, which is written in C for use on a local machine.


References: API vs Web Service, Difference between web API and web service, Difference between API and web service


o   2013 - What APIs Are And Why They're Important - Brian Proffitt

o   2006 - What are web services (section) - Nicholas Chase

o   2005 - Introduction to Web Services (PDF) - Ioannis G. Baltopoulos



[1 hour] Once you feel that you understand the difference between APIs and web services, talk to a developer. Ask what APIs and web services exist within the application that you're working on. Work with your developer to draw a simple architecture diagram that shows whereabouts in your application these interfaces are located. Be sure you can distinguish which are APIs and which are web services, and that you know which protocols each interface uses.



STEP - Understanding SOAP and REST

Learn more about two common implementations of web services and the differences between them:

¥   2006 - Understanding SOAP (section) - Nicholas Chase

¥   What is REST? (video) - Todd Fredrich

¥   2013 - Understanding SOAP and REST Basics And Differences - John Mueller

¥   2008 - How to GET a cup of coffee - Jim Webber, Savas Parastatidis & Ian Robinson



[1 hour] Find out whether you have any services with both a SOAP and a REST implementation. This means that the same business operation can be served in two different formats through two different APIs. Talk to a developer or technical lead and ask them to demonstrate a request in each implementation. Discuss the differences between these two interfaces and some of the reasons that both exist.



STEP - API and web service testing

Discover the tools available and some common mnemonics to approach web service testing:

¥   2014 - API Testing: Why it matters and how to do it - Michael Churchman

¥   2013 - Johnny mnemonic - ICEOVERMAD - Ash Winter

¥   The API Testing Dojo - Smart Bear

¥   2015 - API Testing: UI Tools - Avinash Shetty

¥   2015 - API Testing: Developer Tools - Avinash Shetty

¥   2015 - WTEU-53 - An introduction to API Testing - Amy Phillips

¥   2015 - Some API Testing Basic Introductory Notes and Tools - Alan Richardson 



[3 hours] Repeat the 53rd Weekend Testing Europe session by running some comparative tests on the SongKick API and associated website. SongKick is a service that matches users to live music events taking place near them. Use your web browser to make API requests as you would a website URL. Alongside the links from Amy Phillips and Alan Richardson above, you can refer to the SongKick API and the full transcript of the weekend testing Europe session for guidance. Experiment with locating different test data and using different API requests until you understand how the API functions. Please abide by all terms of use and do not experiment with load or security testing on this API.


[3 hours] Install Postman and use it to test the TradeMe Sandbox API. TradeMe is the leading online marketplace and classified advertising platform in New Zealand. Public, unregistered, access to their developer API is restricted to catalogue methods. Experiment with retrieving information and compare your results against the TradeMe Sandbox site. Please abide by all terms of use and do not experiment with load or security testing on this API.


[3 hours] Explore the Predic8 online REST web services demo using the advanced REST client Chrome extension or PAW - the ultimate REST client for Mac. You will need to install your chosen software and read the supporting documentation for the demonstration REST service. Explore the different functions provided. In addition to retrieving information you should be able to modify data using POST, PUT and DELETE requests. Please abide by all terms of use and do not experiment with load or security testing on this API.


[3 hours] Select an API or web service within your application. Seek out the reference material to discover what requests are allowed. Apply what you've learned through testing the third party APIs to compare the behaviour of your internal interfaces and application. Use the tools you've tried before, or select a different tool to explore. Afterwards, discuss your testing with a developer or another tester within your team, share what you found and ask how this interface is tested now.



STEP - Technical implementation of REST API

Get a deeper understanding of REST APIs by understanding how they are designed and implemented:

¥   2014 - How to design a REST API - Antoine Chantalou, JŽrŽmy Buisson, Mohamed Kissa, Florent Jaby, Nicolas Laurent, Augustin Grimprel, Benoit Lafontaine

¥   2014 - The commoditization of the user interface - Todd Friedrich 

¥   2014 - REST API application layers - Todd Friedrich

¥   2014 - REST API design: Resource modeling - Prakash Subramaniam

¥   2010 - Richardson maturity model - Martin Fowler


[3 hours] Create a set of requests using a REST API within your organisation. Investigate how resources are modeled, e.g. resource URL, HTTP verbs (GET PUT DELETE POST). Talk to a developer or technical lead to check your understanding and ask questions about your REST implementation.



STEP - Security testing APIs

Explore the basics of security testing APIs:

¥   2015 - How to Hack an API and Get Away with It (Part 1 of 3) - Ole Lensmar

¥   2015 - How to Hack an API and Get Away with It (Part 2 of 3) - Ole Lensmar

¥   2015 - How to Hack an API and Get Away with It (Part 3 of 3) - Ole Lensmar

¥   2015 - WTEU-56 – Security testing for APIs - Dan Billing



[8 hours] Repeat the 56th Weekend Testing Europe session by investigating the deliberately insecure API for the Supercar Showdown website, which forms the basis of Troy HuntÕs Pluralsight Course Hack Your API First. Alongside the write-up from Dan Billing above, you can refer to the Hack Your API First course materials and the full transcript of the Weekend Testing Europe session for guidance. Alongside the course materials, conduct your own experiments with the different facets of API security.


[3 hours] Apply what you've learned to assess the security of one of your APIs in a development or test environment, not production. Document any vulnerabilities that you discover to discuss with your development team. Talk to an architect about additional protection that is in place in your production environments to prevent attacks.



STEP - Service virtualization

Discover service virtualization and how it can be used in testing:

¥   What is service virtualization - John Mueller 

¥   2014 - Hardening Your Application Against API Failures with API Virtualization - Lorinda Brandon 

¥   2015 - 4 Ways to Boost Your Test Process with Service Virtualization - Bas Dijkstra 


[2 hours] Determine whether any of your test suites use service virtualization. Draw a detailed architecture diagram that reflects your understanding of where services are virtualized and how this has been implemented. Check your understanding with a developer or another tester and make sure you understand the reasons that the tests use service virtualization.



STEP - Introduction to microservices

These articles give an introduction to microservices and share practical experiences from organisations who use them:

¥   2014 - Microservices - Martin Fowler

¥   2015 - Introduction to microservices - Chris Richardson

¥   2015 - Delving into the Microservices Architecture - John Mueller 

¥   2014 - How we build microservices at Karma - Stefan Borsje 

¥   2015 - Why 2015 will be the year of microservices - Eric Knorr


[1 hour] Talk to a developer or technical lead to check your understanding of microservices, then discuss the benefits and drawbacks of switching to a microservices architecture.



STEP - Microservices testing

Discover how to test in a microservices world:

¥   Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture - Toby Clemson et al.

¥   2015 - Performance Issue Considerations for Microservices APIs - John Mueller

¥   2014 - 8 Questions You Need to Ask About Microservices, Containers & Docker in 2015 - Andrew Phillips

¥   2009 - Integration tests are a scam - JB Rainsberger 

¥   2014 - Throw away your integration tests (slides) - Beth Skurrie


[1 hour] Demonstrate your understanding of microservices testing by describing to another tester or test lead, in your own words, the types of testing that are possible in a microservices architecture.



STEP - A broader look at APIs

A brief introduction to API management and APIs within IoT, hypermedia, machine learning, etc.

¥   2012 - What is API management - A Brief Primer - Navdeep Sidhu

¥   2013 - API management platform capabilities - Jeevak Kasarkod

¥   2015 - The API is the Invisible Hand Behind the Internet of Things - Jennifer Riggins

¥   2014 - Working with Hypermedia APIs - John Mueller 

¥   2015 - Testing Challenges Associated with Machine Learning APIs - John Mueller


[1 hour] Talk to a developer or technical lead about the future direction for our API implementation. Discuss how your organisation might be impacted by these ideas, or other innovations.


Characteristics of a Microservice Architecture

                      Componentization via Services

                      Organized around Business Capabilities

                      Products not Projects

                      Smart endpoints and dumb pipes

                      Decentralized Governance

                      Decentralized Data Management

                      Infrastructure Automation

                      Design for failure

                      Evolutionary Design

            Are Microservices the Future?


    How big is a microservice?

    Microservices and SOA

    Many languages, many options

    Battle-tested standards and enforced standards

    Make it easy to do the right thing

    The circuit breaker and production ready code

Synchronous calls considered harmful


Jennifer Riggins

Jennifer, as a marketer and writer, helps individuals and small businesses develop their vision and brand, turning it into an actionable, profitable future. She especially loves working with start-ups, SaaS and Spain-based innovators.



While microservices is still more of a concept than a predefined architecture with specific requirements, Lewis and Fowler say there are certain attributes that typically come with microservices, including:

    Componentization as a Service: bringing certain components together to make a customized service.

    Organized Around Business Capabilities: segregating capabilities for specific business areas like user interface and external integrations.

    Development Process is Based on Products Not Projects: following AmazonÕs Òeat your own dog food,Ó developers stay with the software for the productÕs lifetime.

    Smart Endpoints and Dumb Pipes: each microservice is as decoupled as possible with its own domain logic.

    Decentralized Governance: enabling developer choice to build on preferred languages for each component.

    Decentralized Data Management: having each microservice label and handle data differently.

    Infrastructure Automation: including automated deployment up the pipeline.

    Design for Failure: meaning that more ongoing testing of Òwhat ifÓ has to occur to prepare for failure.


Where Do Microservices Win?

As we move into a more specialized world and user experience, microservices, in some ways, make for a better developer experience too, which allows you to grow your business more rapidly.

More and more people are flocking to try the microservices architecture because its modularity of small, focused, quasi-independent services allow businesses to deploy and scale services more easily. This segmentation also allows smaller teams that create smaller code bases.

Microservices also lend themselves to agile, scrum and continuous delivery software development processes with shorter lifecycles. This architecture distinguishes itself from service-oriented architecture (SOA) because each microservice only belongs to one application, not multiple.


Where Do Microservices Go Amiss and What Can You Do?

Since they are inherently individual, microservices bring with them their own set of new issues. Microservices often experience compatibility issues, as they are built by different teams on top of different technologies. This can all lead to an unstable environment where people are building in different directions. To relate these parts, extensive workarounds may be required, which may actually take longer to fix than if they were built in a monolith environment.

Thankfully, there are ways to deal with these problems. Here we cite the experts on their ways to overcome the five most common hurdles to using microservices:


Microservice Challenge #1: Building Microservices First

Over-eager developers, ready to push themselves to market, may start out by first building a microservice and find that it becomes too complex and hard to develop, ultimately making the app unscalable.

ÒBeing boring is really good. You can scale a lot with being boring,Ó Saleh said. ÒWhen you move to a microservices architecture, it comes with this constant tax on your development cycle thatÕs going to slow you down from that point on,Ó like any complexity will do.

With this in mind, Saleh argues that people should still start with that behemoth app and then extract information into the smaller microservices once the app is stable.


Of course, with microservices, individual pieces should have minimal communication with each other, which is where he suggests creating a gatekeeper so only one service can contact the database schema at a time. But this brings its own set of problems when the services and the APIs they are communicating with each have their own language, which can lead to lock-step deployment, downtime, and worry of a complete crash upon redeployment.

Saleh offers what he calls the rather painful solution of semantic versioning guidelines to allow for continual deployment. French front-end developer Hugo Giraudel offers the best explanation of SemVer, a three-component system as follows:

    X represents a Major Version, for anything that will probably break the existing API

    Y represents a Minor Version, for implementing a new feature in a backward-compatible way

    Z represents a Patch, for fixing bugs


The system helps you clarify the release of the API or microservice as X.Y.Z, making version 2.1.0 a much larger change than 1.1.9, which would be allotted for bug fixes. This allows you to catalog versions, identify patches, and help guide your teamÕs major and minor version releases.

Saleh admits record-keeping can be tedious, but Òthis is part of the inherent pain of building a microservices architecture. What you get out of this is you can scale your engineering team larger [and] you can scale your application much more easily.Ó

Also Read: How to Spark API Adoption with Good Documentation Processes


Microservice Challenge #2: Information Barriers to Productivity

As software manager Richard Clayton wrote about his teamÕs experience, microservices can put up artificial barriers to productivity. ÒWe decided to split the backend into eight separate services, and made the bad decision of assigning services to people. This reinforced the notion of ownership of specific services by developers. Because services were owned by people, developers began complaining of Service A being blocked by tasks on Service B,Ó he says. ÒThis lack of concern became a very bad habit; we stopped trying to understand what our peers were doing even though we were responsible for reviewing their pull requestsÉ Developers lost sight of system goals in favor of their individual servicesÕ goals.Ó

Clayton also says that, while microservices are meant to be built and scaled independently, thereÕs a strong desire to share code. ÒYou can either replicate functionality across services and increase the maintenance burden, or you need to carefully construct shared libraries and deal with dependency conflicts that may arise.Ó

Similarly, Selah mentions that though microservices enable unique technology customized to each element, the operational hazards of incongruent parts can increase the potential for system failures, causing strain on a team that isnÕt ready to be ripped apart by new architecture.

How can your team overcome this? Well, Clayton argues that microservices shouldnÕt be the de-facto architecture. If your team already has communication issues, itÕs a sure way to fail. He also follows SalehÕs advice in recommending that any microservice must be kept simple, consciously avoiding the natural habit of going granular from the start. And he recommends that you build your microservice on top of a Platform as a Service (PaaS) which will enable better communication among microservices, at least on the back end.

Also Read: Why You Should Build Apps with an API Back-end


Microservice Challenge #3: How Do Your Services Find Each Other?

You are building, deploying, scaling and evolving each of these business capabilities separately, but they need to be able to communicate with each other in order to create logical workflows and a complete finished product that, from an end-user perspective, is indistinguishable from the monolithic app.

Saleh says that most often developers try to hard code the locations into the source code, but a change to the location of your services requires changes in your code base, which leads to a string of other problems.

What is a better way to overcome these challenges in order for one microservice to find another? You have two options: service discovery protocol or a centralized router. Both require registration and deregistration, as well as high availability and scalability. From there, itÕs up to you to decide which fits your development lifecycle.

Service discovery allows for an automatic detection of services offered and directs one service toward the other, as the router works between the systems. While the service discovery tells you where things are, the centralized router is actually proxying all the traffic. The router is built very transparently and exposed externally, but is much more challenging to build than the discovery service, where you donÕt need to route all the data.


Microservice Challenge #4: How Can Services Communicate with Each Other?

Since each part works independently, there is the risk of latency when each piece is brought together. While the whole point of microservices is that they are able to work independently, they need to work together, which can be a repeated challenge. Particularly when many services are making calls to many others, you can have a ÒdogpileÓ of information — when one service goes down while the other connecting services donÕt have any time-out mechanisms, eventually the entire app will collapse.

Saleh says you can create a circuit breaker which acts like a discovery service, where one microservice realizes another is ÒsickÓ and notifies the main circuit breaker. From that point on, a microservice will be able to check the service discovery to determine if the microservice it is connected to is broken in order to prevent calls being made to or from said microservice. Saleh recommends setting a Òtime outÓ for about ten minutes.


Microservice Challenge #5: Decentralized Data IsnÕt Always a Positive

Having decentralized data management sees two sides to the same coin — it allows for teams to work independently and for the app to scale more quickly, but how each team quantifies things can become garbled. As Lewis and Fowler put it, ÒIt means that the conceptual model of the world will differ between systems. This is a common issue when integrating across a large enterprise — the Ôsales viewÕ of a customer will differ from the Ôsupport view.Õ Some things that are called ÔcustomersÕ in the Ôsales viewÕ may not appear at all in the Ôsupport viewÕ.Ó When data is managed separately, semantics could truly make or break an update.Ó

According to Lewis and Fowler, a good way to overcome this hurdle — which resides among microservices and with external APIs — is through domain-driven design. DDD divides and re-bundles complex domains into multiple bounded contexts, which then maps out the relationship between them.

You can also choose to manage inconsistencies by using transactions which test the integrity of the interactions before releasing an update. However, distributed transactions are notoriously difficult to implement.

Lewis and Fowler say that none of these fixes are perfect, but Òthe trade-off is worth it as long as the cost of fixing mistakes is less than the cost of lost business under greater consistency.Ó

In Conclusion: Are Microservices Right for Your App and Team?

LetÕs sum up the benefits and drawbacks of using a microservices architecture instead of the more common monolithic kind. Then, weÕll let you decide which is right for your app and your team:


How does a microservice outshine a monolith?

1   It makes your app more scalable with smaller teams.

2   Enables modularity and is more open to change in general.

3   Uses a smaller codebase.


What are microservice architectureÕs limitations?

1   It can cause communication problems among different parts of the app and within your team.

2   It requires increased effort later on to catalog, test, and fix incompatibilities.

You should still build the monolith before building the microservices on top of it.


            7. Fast application mobility, Real repeatability

            8. Great for development team collaboration

            9. Building blocks for your Micro-services Architecture

Starcounter and the Future of Micro-Services

In light of the recent micro-services movement, the inception of a new breed of in-memory technology is a central component.

Fig#2: Evolution of the db; Monolithic, micro-services, & "Starcounter's" micor-apps

The Impact of Micro-Architectures and APIs on Data Center Network Design

February 03, 2014 by Lori MacVittie


Application development trends significantly impact the design of data center networks. Today there are two trends driving a variety of transformation in the network: API dominance and micro-architectures. Combined with a tendency for network operations to protect its critical infrastructure from potentially disruptive change, these trends are driving toward an emerging "app network" tier in the data center that is software-defined.

This "app network" can be realized in one of two ways: through the deployment of application proxies, or via an application service fabric. The choice comes down to how integrated devops and network teams really are, and whether or not you have a service fabric available. If you do, it's a good solution as it affords the same flexibility as application proxies while removing platform-level management from devops shoulders. Only services need be configured, managed and deployed. An application proxy, too, is a good option and gives devops and developers complete control over the platform and the network-hosted domain services.

Today we're going to dive into the application proxy-based architecture.



Application proxies are highly programmable, scalable and perform with the alacrity expected of a "network" element.

Application proxies provide devops and developers with the mean to rapidly provision domain services specific to a micro-service or API. By decomposing traditional ADC-hosted services into domain specific, application proxy-hosted services, each service can be containerized and their deployment subsequently automated to ensure CPR (consistent, predictable and repeatable) results. Successful continuous delivery is the end goal. As noted earlier, this can be achieved via an application services fabric as well as dedicated application proxies.

This architectural model is more efficient in terms of resource consumption. Decomposing services ensures they scale independently. When services are code-level integrated into applications, the overall application footprint is much larger and requires more storage and more compute to scale. Decomposition reduces demand for storage and compute overall by only requiring expansion of a subset of services at any given time.

When the application proxy is highly programmable, devops and developers receive added benefits in the form of being able to codify services and treat as part of the code base rather than as separation configuration files. For example, specifying simple URI rewrite rules in some proxies requires changes to a configuration file. Using a programmable application proxy, such rules are coded and treated like artifacts; they can leverage existing build systems like Jenkins. They became part of the overall application rather than separate configuration files that must be merged, replaced, or otherwise managed. Using programmatic means to implement domain specific services affords devops more opportunity to seamlessly integrate with existing application deployment processes and increase its success rates.



The transformation of application architectures is driving data center networks toward a need for programmable domain services. These services must match service velocity and change the economy of scale as the number of applications needing services increases with each new application and application version. Not doing so means organizations will respond with discrete services that introduce operational risk and inability to consistently deploy new applications.


Both application proxies and application service fabrics meet these requirements, and both models are equally capable in offering a more seamless, less disconnected continuous delivery experience.

last modified: November 26, 2013

Chris Richardson    5/19/2015


Microservices are currently getting a lot of attention: articles, blogs, discussions on social media, and conference presentations. They are rapidly heading towards the peak of inflated expectations on the Gartner Hype cycle. At the same time, there are skeptics in the software community who dismiss microservices as nothing new. Naysayers claim that the idea is just a rebranding of SOA. However, despite both the hype and the skepticism, the Microservice architecture pattern has significant benefits – especially when it comes to enabling the agile development and delivery of complex enterprise applications.

This blog post is the first in a 7-part series about designing, building, and deploying microservices. You will learn about the approach and how it compares to the more traditional Monolithic architecture pattern. This series will describe the various elements of the Microservice architecture. You will learn about the benefits and drawbacks of the Microservice architecture pattern, whether it makes sense for your project, and how to apply it.


[Editor: Further posts in this series are now available:

    Building Microservices: Using an API Gateway

    Building Microservices: Inter-Process Communication in a Microservices Architecture

    Service Discovery in a Microservices Architecture]

LetÕs first look at why you should consider using microservices.

Building Monolithic Applications

LetÕs imagine that you were starting to build a brand new taxi-hailing application intended to compete with Uber and Hailo. After some preliminary meetings and requirements gathering, you would create a new project either manually or by using a generator that comes with Rails, Spring Boot, Play, or Maven. This new application would have a modular hexagonal architecture, like in the following diagram:

At the core of the application is the business logic, which is implemented by modules that define services, domain objects, and events. Surrounding the core are adapters that interface with the external world. Examples of adapters include database access components, messaging components that produce and consume messages, and web components that either expose APIs or implement a UI.

Despite having a logically modular architecture, the application is packaged and deployed as a monolith. The actual format depends on the applicationÕs language and framework. For example, many Java applications are packaged as WAR files and deployed on application servers such as Tomcat or Jetty. Other Java applications are packaged as self-contained executable JARs. Similarly, Rails and Node.js applications are packaged as a directory hierarchy.

Applications written in this style are extremely common. They are simple to develop since our IDEs and other tools are focused on building a single application. These kinds of applications are also simple to test. You can implement end-to-end testing by simply launching the application and testing the UI with Selenium. Monolithic applications are also simple to deploy. You just have to copy the packaged application to a server. You can also scale the application by running multiple copies behind a load balancer. In the early stages of the project it works well.

Marching Towards Monolithic Hell

Unfortunately, this simple approach has a huge limitation. Successful applications have a habit of growing over time and eventually becoming huge. During each sprint, your development team implements a few more stories, which, of course, means adding many lines of code. After a few years, your small, simple application will have grown into a monstrous monolith. To give an extreme example, I recently spoke to a developer who was writing a tool to analyze the dependencies between the thousands of JARs in their multi-million line of code (LOC) application. IÕm sure it took the concerted effort of a large number of developers over many years to create such a beast.

Once your application has become a large, complex monolith, your development organization is probably in a world of pain. Any attempts at agile development and delivery will flounder. One major problem is that the application is overwhelmingly complex. ItÕs simply too large for any single developer to fully understand. As a result, fixing bugs and implementing new features correctly becomes difficult and time consuming. WhatÕs more, this tends to be a downwards spiral. If the codebase is difficult to understand, then changes wonÕt be made correctly. You will end up with a monstrous, incomprehensible big ball of mud.

The sheer size of the application will also slow down development. The larger the application, the longer the start-up time is. For example, in a recent survey some developers reported start-up times as long as 12 minutes. IÕve also heard anecdotes of applications taking as long as 40 minutes to start up. If developers regularly have to restart the application server, then a large part of their day will be spent waiting around and their productivity will suffer.

Another problem with a large, complex monolithic application is that it is an obstacle to continuous deployment. Today, the state of the art for SaaS applications is to push changes into production many times a day. This is extremely difficult to do with a complex monolith since you must redeploy the entire application in order to update any one part of it. The lengthy start-up times that I mentioned earlier wonÕt help either. Also, since the impact of a change is usually not very well understood, it is likely that you have to do extensive manual testing. Consequently, continuous deployment is next to impossible to do.

Monolithic applications can also be difficult to scale when different modules have conflicting resource requirements. For example, one module might implement CPU-intensive image processing logic and would ideally be deployed in Amazon EC2 Compute Optimized instances. Another module might be an in-memory database and best suited for EC2 Memory-optimized instances. However, because these modules are deployed together you have to compromise on the choice of hardware.

Another problem with monolithic applications is reliability. Because all modules are running within the same process, a bug in any module, such as a memory leak, can potentially bring down the entire process. Moreover, since all instances of the application are identical, that bug will impact the availability of the entire application.

Last but not least, monolithic applications make it extremely difficult to adopt new frameworks and languages. For example, letÕs imagine that you have 2 million lines of code written using the XYZ framework. It would be extremely expensive (in both time and cost) to rewrite the entire application to use the newer ABC framework, even if that framework was considerably better. As a result, there is a huge barrier to adopting new technologies. You are stuck with whatever technology choices you made at the start of the project.


To summarize: you have a successful business-critical application that has grown into a monstrous monolith that very few, if any, developers understand. It is written using obsolete, unproductive technology that makes hiring talented developers difficult. The application is difficult to scale and is unreliable. As a result, agile development and delivery of applications is impossible.


So what can you do about it?

Microservices – Tackling the Complexity

Many organizations, such as Amazon, eBay, and Netflix, have solved this problem by adopting what is now known as the Microservice architecture pattern. Instead of building a single monstrous, monolithic application, the idea is to split your application into set of smaller, interconnected services.

A service typically implements a set of distinct features or functionality, such as order management, customer management, etc. Each microservice is a mini-application that has its own hexagonal architecture consisting of business logic along with various adapters. Some microservices would expose an API thatÕs consumed by other microservices or by the applicationÕs clients. Other microservices might implement a web UI. At runtime, each instance is often a cloud VM or a Docker container.

For example, a possible decomposition of the system described earlier is shown in the following diagram:

Each functional area of the application is now implemented by its own microservice. Moreover, the web application is split into a set of simpler web applications (such as one for passengers and one for drivers in our taxi-hailing example). This makes it easier to deploy distinct experiences for specific users, devices, or specialized use cases.


Each back-end service exposes a REST API and most services consume APIs provided by other services. For example, Driver Management uses the Notification server to tell an available driver about a potential trip. The UI services invoke the other services in order to render web pages. Services might also use asynchronous, message-based communication. Inter-service communication will be covered in more detail later in this series.


Some REST APIs are also exposed to the mobile apps used by the drivers and passengers. The apps donÕt, however, have direct access to the back-end services. Instead, communication is mediated by an intermediary known as an API Gateway. The API Gateway is responsible for tasks such as load balancing, caching, access control, API metering, and monitoring, and can be implemented effectively using NGINX. Later articles in the series will cover the API Gateway.

The Microservice architecture pattern corresponds to the Y-axis scaling of the Scale Cube, which is a 3D model of scalability from the excellent book The Art of Scalability. The other two scaling axes are X-axis scaling, which consists of running multiple identical copies of the application behind a load balancer, and Z-axis scaling (or data partitioning), where an attribute of the request (for example, the primary key of a row or identity of a customer) is used to route the request to a particular server.

Applications typically use the three types of scaling together. Y-axis scaling decomposes the application into microservices as shown above in the first figure in this section. At runtime, X-axis scaling runs multiple instances of each service behind a load balancer for throughput and availability. Some applications might also use Z-axis scaling to partition the services. The following diagram shows how the Trip Management service might be deployed with Docker running on Amazon EC2.

At runtime, the Trip Management service consists of multiple service instances. Each service instance is a Docker container. In order to be highly available, the containers are running on multiple Cloud VMs. In front of the service instances is a load balancer such as NGINX that distributes requests across the instances. The load balancer might also handle other concerns such as caching, access control, API metering, and monitoring.


The Microservice architecture pattern significantly impacts the relationship between the application and the database. Rather than sharing a single database schema with other services, each service has its own database schema. On the one hand, this approach is at odds with the idea of an enterprise-wide data model. Also, it often results in duplication of some data. However, having a database schema per service is essential if you want to benefit from microservices, because it ensures loose coupling. The following diagram shows the database architecture for the example application.

Each of the services has its own database. Moreover, a service can use a type of database that is best suited to its needs, the so-called polyglot persistence architecture. For example, Driver Management, which finds drivers close to a potential passenger, must use a database that supports efficient geo-queries.


On the surface, the Microservice architecture pattern is similar to SOA. With both approaches, the architecture consists of a set of services. However, one way to think about the Microservice architecture pattern is that itÕs SOA without the commercialization and perceived baggage of web service specifications (WS-*) and an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Microservice-based applications favor simpler, lightweight protocols such as REST, rather than WS-*. They also very much avoid using ESBs and instead implement ESB-like functionality in the microservices themselves. The Microservice architecture pattern also rejects other parts of SOA, such as the concept of a canonical schema.


The Benefits of Microservices

The Microservice architecture pattern has a number of important benefits.

First, it tackles the problem of complexity. It decomposes what would otherwise be a monstrous monolithic application into a set of services. While the total amount of functionality is unchanged, the application has been broken up into manageable chunks or services. Each service has a well-defined boundary in the form of an RPC- or message-driven API. The Microservice architecture pattern enforces a level of modularity that in practice is extremely difficult to achieve with a monolithic code base. Consequently, individual services are much faster to develop, and much easier to understand and maintain.

Second, this architecture enables each service to be developed independently by a team that is focused on that service. The developers are free to choose whatever technologies make sense, provided that the service honors the API contract. Of course, most organizations would want to avoid complete anarchy and limit technology options. However, this freedom means that developers are no longer obligated to use the possibly obsolete technologies that existed at the start of a new project. When writing a new service, they have the option of using current technology. Moreover, since services are relatively small it becomes feasible to rewrite an old service using current technology.

Third, the Microservice architecture pattern enables each microservice to be deployed independently. Developers never need to coordinate the deployment of changes that are local to their service. These kinds of changes can be deployed as soon as they have been tested. The UI team can, for example, perform A|B testing and rapidly iterate on UI changes. The Microservice architecture pattern makes continuous deployment possible.

Finally, the Microservice architecture pattern enables each service to be scaled independently. You can deploy just the number of instances of each service that satisfy its capacity and availability constraints. Moreover, you can use the hardware that best matches a serviceÕs resource requirements. For example, you can deploy a CPU-intensive image processing service on EC2 Compute Optimized instances and deploy an in-memory database service on EC2 Memory-optimized instances.



The Drawbacks of Microservices

As Fred Brooks wrote almost 30 years ago, there are no silver bullets. Like every other technology, the Microservice architecture has drawbacks. One drawback is the name itself. The term microservice places excessive emphasis on service size. In fact, there are some developers who advocate for building extremely fine-grained 10-100 LOC services. While small services are preferable, itÕs important to remember that they are a means to an end and not the primary goal. The goal of microservices is to sufficiently decompose the application in order to facilitate agile application development and deployment.


Another major drawback of microservices is the complexity that arises from the fact that a microservices application is a distributed system. Developers need to choose and implement an inter-process communication mechanism based on either messaging or RPC. Moreover, they must also write code to handle partial failure since the destination of a request might be slow or unavailable. While none of this is rocket science, itÕs much more complex than in a monolithic application where modules invoke one another via language-level method/procedure calls.


Another challenge with microservices is the partitioned database architecture. Business transactions that update multiple business entities are fairly common. These kinds of transactions are trivial to implement in a monolithic application because there is a single database. In a microservices-based application, however, you need to update multiple databases owned by different services. Using distributed transactions is usually not an option, and not only because of the CAP theorem. They simply are not supported by many of todayÕs highly scalable NoSQL databases and messaging brokers. You end up having to use an eventual consistency based approach, which is more challenging for developers.


Testing a microservices application is also much more complex. For example, with a modern framework such as Spring Boot it is trivial to write a test class that starts up a monolithic web application and tests its REST API. In contrast, a similar test class for a service would need to launch that service and any services that it depends upon (or at least configure stubs for those services). Once again, this is not rocket science but itÕs important to not underestimate the complexity of doing this.


Another major challenge with the Microservice architecture pattern is implementing changes that span multiple services. For example, letÕs imagine that you are implementing a story that requires changes to services A, B, and C, where A depends upon B and B depends upon C. In a monolithic application you could simply change the corresponding modules, integrate the changes, and deploy them in one go. In contrast, in a Microservice architecture pattern you need to carefully plan and coordinate the rollout of changes to each of the services. For example, you would need to update service C, followed by service B, and then finally service A. Fortunately, most changes typically impact only one service and multi-service changes that require coordination are relatively rare.

Deploying a microservices-based application is also much more complex. A monolithic application is simply deployed on a set of identical servers behind a traditional load balancer. Each application instance is configured with the locations (host and ports) of infrastructure services such as the database and a message broker. In contrast, a microservice application typically consists of a large number of services. For example, Hailo has 160 different services and Netflix has over 600 according to Adrian Cockcroft. Each service will have multiple runtime instances. ThatÕs many more moving parts that need to be configured, deployed, scaled, and monitored. In addition, you will also need to implement a service discovery mechanism (discussed in a later post) that enables a service to discover the locations (hosts and ports) of any other services it needs to communicate with. Traditional trouble ticket-based and manual approaches to operations cannot scale to this level of complexity. Consequently, successfully deploying a microservices application requires greater control of deployment methods by developers, and a high level of automation.


One approach to automation is to use an off-the-shelf PaaS such as Cloud Foundry. A PaaS provides developers with an easy way to deploy and manage their microservices. It insulates them from concerns such as procuring and configuring IT resources. At the same time, the systems and network professionals who configure the PaaS can ensure compliance with best practices and with company policies. Another way to automate the deployment of microservices is to develop what is essentially your own PaaS. One typical starting point is to use a clustering solution, such as Mesos or Kubernetes in conjunction with a technology such as Docker. Later in this series we will look at how software-based application delivery approaches like NGINX, which easily handles caching, access control, API metering, and monitoring at the microservice level, can help solve this problem.



Building complex applications is inherently difficult. A Monolithic architecture only makes sense for simple, lightweight applications. You will end up in a world of pain if you use it for complex applications. The Microservice architecture pattern is the better choice for complex, evolving applications despite the drawbacks and implementation challenges.

In later blog posts, IÕll dive into the details of various aspects of the Microservice architecture pattern and discuss topics such as service discovery, service deployment options, and strategies for refactoring a monolithic application into services.

Stay tunedÉ

[Editor: Further posts in this 7-part series are now available:

    Building Microservices: Using an API Gateway

    Building Microservices: Inter-Process Communication in a Microservices Architecture]

Guest blogger Chris Richardson is the founder of the original, an early Java PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) for Amazon EC2. He now consults with organizations to improve how they develop and deploy applications. He also blogs regularly about microservices at

given user experience, requiring client applications to make multiple calls that need to be assembled in order to render a single user experience. This interaction model is illustrated in the following diagram:

Taming Dependency Hell within Microservices with Michael Bryzek

by Daniel Bryant on Jun 13, 2015


Michael Bryzek, co-founder and ex-CTO at Gilt, discussed at QCon New York how Ôdependency hellÕ could impact the delivery and maintenance of microservice platforms. Bryzek suggested that dependency hell may be mitigated by making API design Ôfirst classÕ, ensuring backward and forward compatibility, providing accurate documentation, and generating client libraries.

Quoting the Wikipedia entry for dependency hell, Bryzek introduced the phrase to the audience and suggested that almost every developer has witnessed this at some point in their career:

Dependency hell is a colloquial term for the frustration of some software users who have installed software packages which have dependencies on specific versions of other software packages

Bryzek discussed how, a luxury brand flash sales ecommerce site, moved from a traditional Ruby on Rails monolithic stack to a Scala-based microservice platform over the course of five years. This, combined with the growth of the technical team to over 150 people, lead the team to ask how dependencies should be managed, specifically dependencies that were used in libraries.



Four strategies for minimising the pain associated with dependency management were presented:

    API design must be first class

    Backward and forward compatibility

    Accurate documentation

    Generated client libraries

Bryzek proposed that several of these strategies can be implemented with appropriate tooling, and accordingly he has created a Scala-based tool named apidoc for this purpose. apidoc has no external dependencies on an existing software process nor runtime, and is open source and provided as a free to use software as a service (SaaS). Bryzek commented that over 100 services have already been built at Gilt with apidoc.

Diving into each of the strategies mentioned above, Bryzek proposed that the design of an API and the associated data structures are often the hardest things to change within a system. Therefore, they should be designed up-front, and the corresponding artefacts integrated into the design process to ensure accuracy between a service and associated clients. This is in essence, Òschema first designÓ.

In regards to ensuring backwards compatibility of an API or client library, Bryzek suggested that developers should imagine processing historical records whenever a change to an API is made. Fields added to an API should either be optional or have sensible defaults, and renaming of fields should never occur - instead new models should be introduced, and a migration path be provided where appropriate.

Forwards compatibility is also an important concern, and for this scenario developers should imagine processing new messages arriving to the service with new data. The benefits of PostelÕs law, Ôbe conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from othersÕ are relevant to this discussion. APIs (and corresponding client libraries) should be versioned to aid developers, and one such technique for versioning is semantic versioning.

Additional considerations for establishing forwards compatibility include being careful when using enums, for example when using binary interface definition languages such as Apache Avro or Apache Thrift, and being careful when throwing errors if an unknown field is encountered within an APIÕs data structure. Ideally tooling should clearly indicate when things have changed within an API or client library, and the apidoc tool provides this functionality.

Accurate documentation for an API is also essential, and this may be automatically generated, for example using a tool such as Swagger 2.0. Bryzek also discussed that although he was initially sceptical, he now believes that generating client libraries automatically from an API can be beneficial. For example, boilerplate API consumption code can be removed (or encapsulated within the client library), and consistent naming for fields and actions can be maintained across services. However, care should be taken to ensure that the client library has minimal external dependencies (so that the dependency hell is not pushed down into the stack), and generating a client that developers will enjoy using can be very challenging.

Additional details about Michael BryzekÕs ÒMicroservices and the art of taming the Dependency Hell MonsterÓ talk can be found on the QCon New York 2015 website, and more information about the apidoc tool can be found on the projectÕs Github website and the Gilt Tech blog.

Microservices in Bluemix

amqp Bluemix microservices mq mqlight MQTT node.js websockets



Monolith apps are no more.  The age of the monolith is over.  It wasnÕt that long ago that companies and developers (myself included) were deploying one giant app that did everything.  The app would serve all your static files, front-end HTML and CSS and Javascript, act as your REST API, serve as your data persistance tier, handles sessions, handle logins, and do security for your app.  The list could keep going on and on.  As the age of the code base progresses it gets more and more complicated and tangled and if a new feature needs to be developed or an old piece of code needs to be modified it takes a cross functional team of many different people to make it happen.



First we are going to talk about how a monolith app works, some of the positives and negatives and then we will talk about how things work in an app utilizing microserivces and the positivities and negatives associated with it.


oby Clemson put together an infodeck that examines testing when building a microservices systems: the various kinds of tests to consider, and how various ...

Creating Applications in Bluemix Using the Microservices Approach

Gucer Vasfi

Shishir Narain

Microservice Architectures: A Framework for Implementation and Deployment

Posted by Carl Pulley

Sat, Dec 20, 2014

Microservice Architectures

Microservice architectures have become popular in recent years as they offer the opportunity to modularly and elastically scale applications. They achieve this by decomposing an applications functionality into a decoupled and discrete set of microservices. As a result, the number of microservice instances that are active at any point in time may be elastically scaled (up or down) according to factors such as demand and availability.

A microservice architecture displays the following characteristics:

    set of collaborating (micro)services, each of which implements a limited set of related functionality (there is typically no central control)

    microservices communicate with each other asynchronously over the network (i.e. decoupled application) using language agnostic APIs (e.g. REST)

    microservices are developed and deployed independently of each other

    microservices use their own persistent storage area (c.f. sharding) with data consistency maintained using data replication or application level events.


However, care needs to be exercised when decomposing an application into microservices, since it can be all too easy to refactor application complexity elsewhere!

Microservice Implementation Overview

In this post, I present and discuss a framework within which one may:

    implement microservice architectures based upon Akka clustering and persistence

    provision, deploy and control such distributed applications into cloud based infrastructures (e.g. AWS or Rackspace clouds).

19 November, 2014

By Tareq Abedrabbo


Undeniably, there is a growing interest in microservices as we see more organisations, big and small, evaluating and implementing this emerging approach. Despite its apparent novelty, most concepts and principles underpinning microservices are not exactly new – they are simply proven and commonsense software development practices that now need to be applied holistically and at a wider scale, rather than at the scale of a single program or machine. These principles include separation of concerns, loose coupling, scalability and fault-tolerance.

However, given the lack of a precise and universal definition for microservices, it becomes clear that there is no single recipe for implementing a microservices system successfully.

Additionally, certain engineering practices that can be essential to a viable microservices implementation, such as continuous delivery and configuration management, are frequently perceived as optional add-ons, whereas they should be considered an integral part of a microservices architecture.

Thus understanding how to approach microservices remains a challenge; but equally important, how not to approach microservices.

We encountered a number of anti-patterns on a number of projects we worked on, building systems that can be characterised as ÔmicroservicesÕ. Given their pervasive nature, they should be considered and understood, ideally in the early stages of a project, in order to be mitigated and avoided. Those are:

1. Building the wrong thing

Given the lack of specificity surrounding microservices, we can easily but mistakenly assume that every stakeholder in the projectÕs team on a new microservices implementation share the same vision, goals and expectations. In practice, it is not that obvious.

Similarly, it is easy to overestimate the level of sophistication and flexibility that need to be provided by a given microservices implementation in terms what features are offered and what languages, platforms and supported.

The risk in this case is to invest time and effort into activities that turn out to be inessential. Lack of clarity in the goals and scope of the project can therefore lead to increased complexity and loss of focus in the development effort.

What you should do instead: Questions about what actually needs to be built should be explicitly addressed during the early phases of the project e.g. who is going to develop and maintain the new services? Who are the principal users of the system? What languages, platforms and technologies do we need to support? What tools will developers need to create and deploy new services?

It is essential to be explicit about the goals of the project but also about the non-goals in order to avoid unneeded complexity being introduced into the project.

2. Failing to adopt a contract-first design approach

A microservices architecture facilitates manipulating services individually to achieve operational flexibility, scalability and fault-tolerance. Nevertheless, building useful applications is essentially achieved by composing multiple services in meaningful ways.

In this context, a well defined service contract plays a number of essential roles:

    Abstraction: a service contract allows us to think in terms of what a service does as opposed to how it is implemented.

    Encapsulation: contracts hide away implementation details hence reducing tight coupling between services and consumers. A good contract also facilitates evolution in a controlled way by maintaining a clear separation between the intent of the service and its implementation.

    Composition: services have to be composed in order to be useful, at least through simple invocation from a single consumer. As the system evolves, services end up being used and composed a variety of new ways.

One common pitfall when implementing a service is focusing primarily on the implementation at the expense of the serviceÕs contract. If the a serviceÕs API (contract) is not well thought out, there is a risk that we expose internal implementation details to consumers, making the service hard to consume and to evolve when new requirements arise.

What you should do instead: Avoid contracts that are generated automatically and that are likely to expose internal application structures. Start working on each new service by defining its contract first. A resource-oriented approach to service design can help in building simple service that can evolve well when required.

3. Assuming the wrong communication protocols

It is quite common for microservices to make use of simple communication protocols, such as http, or in some cases lightweight message brokers, to communicate. Messages exchanged can be encoded in a variety of ways, from human-readable formats (JSON, YAML), to serialised binary objects.

It goes without saying that each approach has its pros and cons and

that we need to understand what communication patterns, features and guarantees we need to support in order to choose the right approach and toolset.

Less obvious though is that this choice does not need to be restricted to a single protocol or approach across the whole system; there are situations where mixing different communication styles and protocols is needed and justified.

What you should do instead: Avoid committing to any communication protocol before getting a good understanding of the capabilities of service consumers you need to support. One useful distinction to make is between external and internal services. External services often need to provide an http interface to be widely accessible, while internal services can sometimes benefit from richer capabilities provided by message brokers for example.

4. Introducing a shared domain model

In a traditional monolithic architecture, it is fairly common to create a centralised domain model, that is then used to implement all sort of functionality from input validation, to business logic and persisting business entities to the database.

The fundamental assumption behind a shared domain model is that one application is providing the full boundaries and context within which the domain model is valid. Therefore sharing the same domain model is in this context is safe and has clear advantages.

In a microservices architecture, things are very different. An application is no more one single entity with rigidly defined boundaries; it is instead an aggregation of a number of any number of services that should be loosely coupled and independent. Sharing the same domain across services creates tight coupling and should be considered as a potential indication that one logical service is being split across a number of deployable units.

From an operational perspective, sharing a single domain creates dependencies between components that are otherwise independent through sharing of common binary artefacts. Every minor update to the shared domain model will require every services that depends on it to be updated and redeployed, that is if we truly wish to maintain a single shared domain. At scale, this can cause real operational challenges.

What you should do instead: To maintain encapsulation and separation of concerns, each service should have its own domain, that it is able evolve independently from other services. The domain of an application should be expressed through service interaction, not through a shared object model.

Avoid creating shared dependencies on artefacts that are under constant pressure to evolve such as the domain model.

5. Defining inappropriate service boundaries

Another common issue resulting from applying familiar development practices indiscriminately to a microservices architecture is to create new services directly from internal application components without considering carefully the boundaries of each service.

Internal components, even with a well-defined interface, do not always make good standalone services: business-tier services can have inter-dependencies or can expose operations at a granularity that is awkward for remote invocation. Other internal components, such as data repositories, are often too technical and do not expose business operations that are self-contained and meaningful to the business domain.

The risk in this situation is that you might build a so-called distributed monolith, which is an application with a monolithic architecture but that is also required to deal with issues related to remote service invocation such as latency and cascading failures.

What you should do instead: Design services that are truly self-contained and independent. In a microservices architecture, service boundaries should enforce separation of concerns at a business level, as opposed to separation of concerns along technical layers, which is common for monolithic applications.

6. Neglecting DevOps and Testing Concerns

One of the appeals of microservices is to develop, build and deploy small and simple parts of the system, that is services, individually and independently from each other. As we add more services and combine them in different ways, the complexity of the system inevitably increases. At some point, it becomes impractical to manage the system in an ad-hoc way, while maintaining speed of development and stability at the same time.

Achieving a high level of automation efficiency though is not everything; we need to guarantee that the system remains sound and functional after each small change is implemented, including changes coming potentially from other parts of the business, for example another team located in a different country.

Failing to implement serious DevOps and automated testing practices from the start will produce a system that is brittle, unwieldy and ultimately unviable.

What you should do instead: Introduce proven DevOps practices, such as continuous delivery and configuration management from the start. A continuous delivery pipeline should be an integral part of a microservices implementation, reducing engineering complexities handled traditionally by the services themselves.

Automate acceptance, regression and performance testing at an early stage as well. The hardest thing in a microservices architecture is not testing services individually – it is rather making sure that the whole system remains functional and coherent after every change.

7. Disregarding the Human Factor

While microservices can bring simplicity and focus to the development process, the flip side of the coin is that developers are required to increase their understanding of the bigger picture and to have deeper understanding of software engineering concepts related to how services behave and interact at runtime. These include remote invocation, scalability and fault-tolerance. These skills, whilst always essential, were not traditionally seen as must-haves for developers working on run-of-the-mill enterprise applications.

Unsurprisingly, developers who lack good familiarity these concepts and techniques are very likely to hit a number of pitfalls when first confronted with a microservices system.

At a higher scale, organisations where silos are rife and where collaboration is impeded by political obstacles are unlikely to benefit from a microservices approach that primarily relies on wide-scale collaboration between all stakeholders to be successful.

Under the circumstances adopting a microservices architecture can backfire and result in a complex and inefficient system that will fail to deliver on its promise.

What you should do instead: Microservices are not a silver bullet. Invest in your developers and encourage collaboration across the organisation to build systems that are sustainable and evolvable.


Are Containers the Beginning of the End of Virtual Machines?

As Docker rises in importance, the idea of the traditional VM is being challenged.

                        By Jeffrey Schwartz10/29/2014


Containers are frequently described as lightweight runtime environments with many of the core components of a VM and isolated services of an OS designed to package and execute these micro-services. While containers have long existed as extensions to Linux distributions (there are no native Windows commercial containers yet), each has come with its own flavor.

The rise of open source Docker containers over the past year has created a de-facto standard for how applications can extend from one platform to another running as micro-services in Linux server and OpenShift PaaS environments such as Cloud Foundry. Docker containers have recently become available with major Linux distributions and are supported in key cloud services. Similarly, Microsoft's longstanding effort to develop its own native Windows containers, code-named "Drawbridge," is poised to come out of incubation. And at press time, Docker Inc., a Silicon Valley startup formed in 2012, and Microsoft announced a deep partnership that will result in Docker containers running in the Microsoft Azure public cloud and in the next version of Windows Server.

Over the past year, Docker has risen from obscurity to potentially one of the fastest-rising new players in the world of enterprise application and infrastructure software. In many ways, Docker and similar lightweight containers promise to transform the role of the OS and the VM much like the VM has done to the physical bare-metal server environment. That's because in order for emerging Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) clouds to scale and software to interoperate, there's too much overhead in today's VMs, particularly when more are needed than is feasible for specific services.


Discovering the Domain Architecture

                        By Dino Esposito and Andrea Saltarello


Bounded contexts

In the beginning, you assume one indivisible business domain and start processing requirements to learn as much as possible about it and build the ubiquitous language. As you proceed, you learn how the organization works, which processes are performed, how data is used and, last but not least, you learn how things are referred to.

The picture shows a simple Saga. If you book a travel itinerary, you want a car and a hotel and a flight. If you can't get all of them, it's probably not worth going. It's also very certain that you can't enlist all of these providers into a distributed ACID transaction. Instead, you'll have an activity for booking rental cars that knows both how to perform a reservation and also how to cancel it - and one for a hotel and one for flights.


Chris Richardson á June 15, 2015

Building Microservices: Using an API Gateway


The first article in this 7-part series about designing, building, and deploying microservices introduced the Microservice Architecture pattern. It discussed the benefits and drawbacks of using microservices and how, despite the complexity of microservices, they are usually the ideal choice for complex applications. This is the second article in the series and will discuss building microservices using an API Gateway.

[Editor: Further posts in this series are now available:

    Building Microservices: Inter-Process Communication in a Microservices Architecture

    Service Discovery in a Microservices Architecture]

When you choose to build your application as a set of microservices, you need to decide how your applicationÕs clients will interact with the microservices. With a monolithic application there is just one set of (typically replicated, load-balanced) endpoints. In a microservices architecture, however, each microservice exposes a set of what are typically fine-grained endpoints. In this article, we examine how this impacts client-to-application communication and proposes an approach that uses an API Gateway.



LetÕs imagine that you are developing a native mobile client for a shopping application. ItÕs likely that you need to implement a product details page, which displays information about any given product.

For example, the following diagram shows what you will see when scrolling through the product details in AmazonÕs Android mobile application.

Even though this is a smartphone application, the product details page displays a lot of information. For example, not only is there basic product information (such as name, description, and price) but this page also shows:

    Number of items in the shopping cart

    Order history

    Customer reviews

    Low inventory warning

    Shipping options

    Various recommendations, including other products this product is frequently bought with, other products bought by customers who bought this product, and other products viewed by customers who bought this product

    Alternative purchasing options

When using a monolithic application architecture, a mobile client would retrieve this data by making a single REST call (GET to the application. A load balancer routes the request to one of N identical application instances. The application would then query various database tables and return the response to the client.

In contrast, when using the microservice architecture the data displayed on the product details page is owned by multiple microservices. Here are some of the potential microservices that own data displayed on the example product details page:

4   Shopping Cart Service – Number of items in the shopping cart

5   Order Service – Order history

6   Catalog Service – Basic product information, such as its name, image, and price

7   Review Service – Customer reviews

8   Inventory Service – Low inventory warning

9   Shipping Service – Shipping options, deadlines, and costs drawn separately from the shipping providerÕs API

10            Recommendation Service(s) – Suggested items

We need to decide how the mobile client accesses these services. LetÕs look at the options.

Direct Client-to-Microservice Communication

In theory, a client could make requests to each of the microservices directly. Each microservice would have a public endpoint ( This URL would map to the microserviceÕs load balancer, which distributes requests across the available instances. To retrieve the product details, the mobile client would make requests to each of the services listed above.

Unfortunately, there are challenges and limitations with this option. One problem is the mismatch between the needs of the client and the fine-grained APIs exposed by each of the microservices. The client in this example has to make seven separate requests. In more complex applications it might have to make many more. For example, Amazon describes how hundreds of services are involved in rendering their product page. While a client could make that many requests over a LAN, it would probably be too inefficient over the public Internet and would definitely be impractical over a mobile network. This approach also makes the client code much more complex.

Another problem with the client directly calling the microservices is that some might use protocols that are not web-friendly. One service might use Thrift binary RPC while another service might use the AMQP messaging protocol. Neither protocol is particularly browser- or firewall-friendly and is best used internally. An application should use protocols such as HTTP and WebSocket outside of the firewall.

Another drawback with this approach is that it makes it difficult to refactor the microservices. Over time we might want to change how the system is partitioned into services. For example, we might merge two services or split a service into two or more services. If, however, clients communicate directly with the services, then performing this kind of refactoring can be extremely difficult.

Because of these kinds of problems it rarely makes sense for clients to talk directly to microservices.

Using an API Gateway

Usually a much better approach is to use what is known as an API Gateway. An API Gateway is a server that is the single entry point into the system. It is similar to the Facade pattern from object-oriented design. The API Gateway encapsulates the internal system architecture and provides an API that is tailored to each client. It might have other responsibilities such as authentication, monitoring, load balancing, caching, request shaping and management, and static response handling.

The following diagram shows how an API Gateway typically fits into the architecture:

The API Gateway is responsible for request routing, composition, and protocol translation. All requests from clients first go through the API Gateway. It then routes requests to the appropriate microservice. The API Gateway will often handle a request by invoking multiple microservices and aggregating the results. It can translate between web protocols such as HTTP and WebSocket and web-unfriendly protocols that are used internally.

The API Gateway can also provide each client with a custom API. It typically exposes a coarse-grained API for mobile clients. Consider, for example, the product details scenario. The API Gateway can provide an endpoint (/productdetails?productid=xxx) that enables a mobile client to retrieve all of the product details with a single request. The API Gateway handles the request by invoking the various services – product info, recommendations, reviews, etc. – and combining the results.

A great example of an API Gateway is the Netflix API Gateway. The Netflix streaming service is available on hundreds of different kinds of devices including televisions, set-top boxes, smartphones, gaming systems, tablets, etc. Initially, Netflix attempted to provide a one-size-fits-all API for their streaming service. However, they discovered that it didnÕt work well because of the diverse range of devices and their unique needs. Today, they use an API Gateway that provides an API tailored for each device by running device-specific adapter code. An adapter typically handles each request by invoking on average six to seven backend services. The Netflix API Gateway handles billions of requests per day.

Benefits and Drawbacks of an API Gateway

As you might expect, using an API Gateway has both benefits and drawbacks. A major benefit of using an API Gateway is that it encapsulates the internal structure of the application. Rather than having to invoke specific services, clients simply talk to the gateway. The API Gateway provides each kind of client with a specific API. This reduces the number of round trips between the client and application. It also simplifies the client code.

The API Gateway also has some drawbacks. It is yet another highly available component that must be developed, deployed, and managed. There is also a risk that the API Gateway becomes a development bottleneck. Developers must update the API Gateway in order to expose each microserviceÕs endpoints. It is important that the process for updating the API Gateway be as lightweight as possible. Otherwise, developers will be forced to wait in line in order to update the gateway. Despite these drawbacks, however, for most real-world applications it makes sense to use an API Gateway.

Implementing an API Gateway

Now that we have looked at the motivations and the trade-offs for using an API Gateway, letÕs look at various design issues you need to consider.

Performance and Scalability

Only a handful of companies operate at the scale of Netflix and need to handle billions of requests per day. However, for most applications the performance and scalability of the API Gateway is usually very important. It makes sense, therefore, to build the API Gateway on a platform that supports asynchronous, non-blocking I/O. There are a variety of different technologies that can be used to implement a scalable API Gateway. On the JVM you can use one of the NIO-based frameworks such Netty, Vertx, Spring Reactor, or JBoss Undertow. One popular non-JVM option is Node.js, which is a platform built on ChromeÕs JavaScript engine. Another option is to use NGINX Plus. NGINX Plus offers a mature, scalable, high-performance web server and reverse proxy that is easily deployed, configured, and programmed. NGINX Plus can manage authentication, access control, load balancing requests, caching responses, and provides application-aware health checks and monitoring.

Using a Reactive Programming Model

The API Gateway handles some requests by simply routing them to the appropriate back-end service. It handles other requests by invoking multiple back-end services and aggregating the results. With some requests, such as a product details request, the requests to back-end services are independent of one another. In order to minimize response time, the API Gateway should perform independent requests concurrently. Sometimes, however, there are dependencies between requests. The API Gateway might first need to validate the request by calling an authentication service, before routing the request to a back-end service. Similarly, to fetch information about the products in a customerÕs wish list, the API Gateway must first retrieve the customerÕs profile containing that information, and then retrieve the information for each product. Another interesting example of API composition is the Netflix Video Grid.

Writing API composition code using the traditional asynchronous callback approach quickly leads you to callback hell. The code will be tangled, difficult to understand, and error-prone. A much better approach is to write API Gateway code in a declarative style using a reactive approach. Examples of reactive abstractions include Future in Scala, CompletableFuture in Java 8, and Promise in JavaScript. There is also Reactive Extensions (also called Rx or ReactiveX), which was originally developed by Microsoft for the .NET platform. Netflix created RxJava for the JVM specifically to use in their API Gateway. There is also RxJS for JavaScript, which runs in both the browser and Node.js. Using a reactive approach will enable you to write simple yet efficient API Gateway code.

Service Invocation

A microservices-based application is a distributed system and must use an inter-process communication mechanism. There are two styles of inter-process communication. One option is to use an asynchronous, messaging-based mechanism. Some implementations use a message broker such as JMS or AMQP. Others, such as Zeromq, are brokerless and the services communicate directly. The other style of inter-process communication is a synchronous mechanism such as HTTP or Thrift. A system will typically use both asynchronous and synchronous styles. It might even use multiple implementations of each style. Consequently, the API Gateway will need to support a variety of communication mechanisms.

Service Discovery

The API Gateway needs to know the location (IP address and port) of each microservice with which it communicates. In a traditional application, you could probably hardwire the locations, but in a modern, cloud-based microservices application this is a non-trivial problem. Infrastructure services, such as a message broker, will usually have a static location, which can be specified via OS environment variables. However, determining the location of an application service is not so easy. Application services have dynamically assigned locations. Also, the set of instances of a service changes dynamically because of autoscaling and upgrades. Consequently, the API Gateway, like any other service client in the system, needs to use the systemÕs service discovery mechanism: either Server-Side Discovery or Client-Side Discovery. A later article will describe service discovery in more detail. For now, it is worthwhile to note that if the system uses Client-Side Discovery then the API Gateway must be able to query the Service Registry, which is a database of all microservice instances and their locations.

Handling Partial Failures

Another issue you have to address when implementing an API Gateway is the problem of partial failure. This issue arises in all distributed systems whenever one service calls another service that is either responding slowly or is unavailable. The API Gateway should never block indefinitely waiting for a downstream service. However, how it handles the failure depends on the specific scenario and which service is failing. For example, if the recommendation service is unresponsive in the product details scenario, the API Gateway should return the rest of the product details to the client since they are still useful to the user. The recommendations could either be empty or replaced by, for example, a hardwired top ten list. If, however, the product information service is unresponsive then API Gateway should return an error to the client.

The API Gateway could also return cached data if that was available. For example, since product prices change infrequently, the API Gateway could return cached pricing data if the pricing service is unavailable. The data can be cached by the API Gateway itself or be stored in an external cache such as Redis or Memcached. By returning either default data or cached data, the API Gateway ensures that system failures do not impact the user experience.

Netflix Hystrix is an incredibly useful library for writing code that invokes remote services. Hystrix times out calls that exceed the specified threshold. It implements a circuit breaker pattern, which stops the client from waiting needlessly for an unresponsive service. If the error rate for a service exceeds a specified threshold, Hystrix trips the circuit breaker and all requests will fail immediately for a specified period of time. Hystrix lets you define a fallback action when a request fails, such as reading from a cache or returning a default value. If you are using the JVM you should definitely consider using Hystrix. And, if you are running in a non-JVM environment, you should use an equivalent library.


For most microservices-based applications, it makes sense to implement an API Gateway, which acts as a single entry point into a system. The API Gateway is responsible for request routing, composition, and protocol translation. It provides each of the applicationÕs clients with a custom API. The API Gateway can also mask failures in the back-end services by returning cached or default data. In the next article in the series, we will look at communication between services.

Pattern: API Gateway


Let's imagine you are building an online store that uses the Microservices pattern and that you are implementing the product details page. You need to develop multiple versions of the product details user interface:

       HTML5/JavaScript-based UI for desktop and mobile browsers - HTML is generated by a server-side web application

       Native Android and iPhone clients - these clients interact with the server via REST APIs

In addition, the online store must expose product details via a REST API for use by 3rd party applications.

A product details UI can display a lot of information about a product. For example, the details page for POJOs in Action displays:

           Basic information about the book such as title, author, price, etc.

           Your purchase history for the book


           Buying options

           Other items that are frequently bought with this book

           Other items bought by customers who bought this book

           Customer reviews

           Sellers ranking


Since the online store uses the Microservices pattern the product details data is spread over multiple services. For example,

¤  Product Info Service - basic information about the product such as title, author

¤  Pricing Service - product price

¤  Order service - purchase history for product

¤  Inventory service - product availability

¤  Review service - customer reviews ...

Consequently, the code that displays the product details needs to fetch information from all of these services.




How do the clients of a Microservices-based application access the individual services?



¤  The granularity of APIs provided by microservices is often different than what a client needs. Microservices typically provide fine-grained APIs, which means that clients need to interact with multiple services. For example, as described above, a client needing the details for a product needs to fetch data from numerous services.

¤  Different clients need different data. For example, the desktop browser version of a product details page desktop is typically more elaborate then the mobile version.

¤  Network performance is different for different types of clients. For example, a mobile network is typically much slower and has much higher latency than a non-mobile network. And, of course, any WAN is much slower than a LAN. This means that a native mobile client uses a network that has very difference performance characteristics than a LAN used by a server-side web application. The server-side web application can make multiple requests to backend services without impacting the user experience where as a mobile client can only make a few.

¤  The number of service instances and their locations (host+port) changes dynamically

¤  Partitioning into services can change over time and should be hidden from clients



Implement an API gateway that is the single entry point for all clients. The API gateway handles requests in one of two ways. Some requests are simply proxied/routed to the appropriate service. It handles other requests by fanning out to multiple services.

Rather than provide a one-size-fits-all style API, the API gateway can expose a different API for each client. For example, the Netflix API gateway runs client-specific adapter code that provides each client with an API that's best suited to it's requirements.

The API gateway might also implement security, e.g. verify that the client is authorized to perform the request