Google I/O 2016 Keynote     May 18, 2016 - day3/


recent tab     (bottom right)

Android N  

o   multi-tasking

o   multi-window

o   notifications

o   emoji


Android N   (2016 Fall release )

¯ JIT compiler

¯ Vulkan API

¯ security hardening

¯ seamless software updates

¯ better multi-tasking

¯ multi-window

¯ improved notifications


Android N     

            VR    Daydream  ( mobile , approachable, for everyone )

            VR    immersive experience for VR


Android Wear 2.0

standalone wear app

watch faces,  notification, health

smart reply,  handwriting,   keyboard

health - google Fit Data API

health - activity recognition,  streaming music, sync data between different apps



Chrome Web App                        web standard                   

Progressive Web Apps

            Add to homescreen

            Works offline


Accelerated Mobile Pages

            loads instantly

            embeds anywhere


Android Studio  2.2

speed  10x faster,  3x similator, build speed - faster builds

test recording,  IDE cloud,

layout designer - with constraint layouts


¤  smarts

o   apk analyzer

o   layout inspector

o   expanded android code analysis

o   IntelliJ 2016.1


¤  platform support

o   enhanced Jack

o   compiler/Java8 support

o   enhanced C++ support

o   ndk build , gradle build, ...


¤  Firebase

o   analytics

¤  cross-network attribution

¤  integrated across Firebase

¤  firebase audience - notification , filter

o   cloud messaging,

¤  firebase

¤  tune and experience 

¤  firebase

o   notifications,

o   crash reporting

o   remote config

o   dynamic links

firebase develop

            realtime database



            cloud messaging


            crash reporting

            remote config

            test lab

firebase grow and earn

            dynamic links

            app indexing






Android Instant Apps  ***


support KitKat and jellybean

google play only download a small portion of the App

deep link for google play to download

for developers

            update existing app  - modular the app

            Android APIs

            build in Android Studio

            easy path to install



messaging app  













Firebase Overview - day1/f0641ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 18, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM / Stage 2 | Hydra

Firebase just unveiled many significant and exciting new features. This session will give you an overview of what weÕve introduced and how you can use Firebase to build better apps and grow your business. Be sure to join us, as James Tamplin and Francis Ma - product leads of Firebase, give you the full picture. After this session youÕll be equipped with the tools needed to build and grow the next great app!



Use Firebase Analytics to Build a Brilliant App - day1/322d2aeb-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 18, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM / Stage 2 | Hydra

The average smartphone user taps and swipes their way through 1GB of data each month. But how can you turn user behavior into meaningful insights that help you build a brilliant app? The answer is Firebase Analytics! In this session weÕll explore the key metrics you need to know through the app lifecycle using real examples. From first release to a thriving user base, weÕll show you how to detect user delight, user dissatisfaction and how to grow your app into a successful business.



Creating interactive multiplayer experiences with Firebase - day1/16651ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 18, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM / Stage 6 | Virgo

Building realtime features that work on all your different devices is the holy grail of app development. The Firebase Realtime Database lets you store and sync data instantly, and allows you to build a web, mobile or Unity application in minutes without worrying about wiring up a backend. The real time aspect and a number of lesser known, powerful features (such as transactions) make it possible to create a multiplayer gaming experience as well. In this session, you'll learn how to use the Firebase Realtime Database to keep track of your online players, synchronize game state across multiple connections, create chat rooms, and match players together for game play.



Grow your app with Firebase using Notifications, App Indexing, Dynamic Links & more - day2/d2641ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM / Stage 2 | Hydra

Are you looking to grow your appÕs active user base? Growth is often a challenging and iterative process and in this talk we will go through the tools provided by Firebase to help you acquire users, retain them, and increase engagement. We will go over Firebase App Indexing, Remote Config, Notifications, Invites, Dynamic Links, and AdWords and see how each of them can help you with growth in different ways. Following this, look for individual in-depth sessions for each of these.



The key to Firebase security - day2/af641ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM / Stage 7 | Leo

All data stored in Firebase is by default readable and writable by any authenticated user. While this is great for getting started, productions apps require stronger security. Thankfully, Firebase has your back with Security Rules. They provide a declarative way to specify who can access certain data and what schema that data should have. Take a deep dive into Firebase security to learn the best practices when securing your production Firebase apps.



Deep Dive into the (Firebase) Realtime Database - day2/cd641ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM / Stage 4 | Ursa Major

Let the Firebase Realtime Database be your backend. Build your app faster, and sync your data in realtime. Come listen to David East speak how the Realtime Database is optimized for speed, security, and offline use. In this talk we'll take a look at how you can use the Realtime Database across Android, iOS, and the Web to build powerful realtime experiences.



Smarter sharing and onboarding with Firebase Dynamic Links and Firebase Invites - day2/40651ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM / Stage 4 | Ursa Major

URLs and mobile deep links are the foundation of online marketing channels, yet their behavior can change depending on the platform, how they were opened, and whether or not there's an app installed to handle the URL. Even more distressing, most deep link information gets lost during the app installation process. Firebase Dynamic Links are URLs that let you take the user to the best possible experience, no matter what their situation. In this talk, we look at how to use them. We also learn how Firebase Invites integrates Firebase Dynamic Links with a smart sender UI to make sharing more effective.



What iOS Developers Should Know About the Firebase Platform - day2/09651ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM / Stage 7 | Leo

Firebase! It's great. It's also cross-platform, which means we have a lot of interesting content that we want to share with just you iOS developers. Topics will include everything from installation tips for iOS projects, how to make Remote Config happily work alongside NSLocalizedString, how Firebase Cloud Messaging communicates with APNs, tips and tricks to keep your app svelte, and why APNs is spelled with a lower-case "s". Actually, we're just kidding about that last one. We have no idea.



Firebase App Indexing: Rules of Engagement - day2/949c1403-0cef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM / Stage 7 | Leo

To-date Google has indexed over 100B deep links from Android and iOS apps. 40% of searches on Android return results for indexed apps as well. Learn the simple steps to get your mobile app indexed by Google to drive installs and traffic to your app. This talk will show you how your app content can appear in Google Search results, autocompletions when people search, and Now on Tap — as well as how you can test and measure your performance on Search.



Supercharging Firebase with Google Cloud Platform - day2/3b651ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM / Stage 7 | Leo

In this talk, we will take a look at how you can use Firebase to build a real time application that interacts with virtual machines, big data, machine learning APIs, and more on Google Cloud Platform. Firebase allows you to build awesome real time apps quickly and easily. Google Cloud Platform lets you build powerful services that scale. Combining these two platforms gives you the power to build amazing experiences without worrying about infrastructure and operations. Join us as we show you step by step how we built our application in just a few days. You will walk away ready to build an amazing application with Firebase and Google Cloud Platform



Recipes for App Development with Firebase - day3/c3641ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM / Stage 2 | Hydra

Calling all mobile developers! The Firebase platform provides so many great tools for building your app. In this session, learn about how to all of these components together to bring a mobile app from idea to market to profit. We'll take a look at some potential app concepts and see how Firebase can provide the infrastructure to make them successful. We can't wait to see what you build!



Zero to App: Develop with Firebase - day3/c8641ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM / Amphitheatre

Firebase helps mobile and web developers create extraordinary apps. It abstracts complex infrastructure and simplifies the development process. By using Firebase, developers can build the best user experience in the shortest amount of time, all without having to spin up servers or manage infrastructure. We'll explore how Firebase authenticates users and synchronizes data by creating an app on stage. You'll experience first hand how easy it is to build with Firebase!


Configuring the world:

Rapid actioning based on (Firebase) analytic insights - day3/e6641ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM / Stage 7 | Leo

You built your app and you launched! Congratulations! And now you're gaining fascinating insights on user behavior thanks to Analytics and you're itching to take action based on these insights. You can always go back to changing your app and pushing a new version, hoping your users will update your app. But there is a faster way to make changes: Firebase Remote Config. Firebase Remote Config is built for just this kind of rapid reaction to user insights. In this talk we will show you how a deceptively simple system for targeting and distributing key-value pairs can be leveraged to easily modify your app look and feel without having to constantly update your app itself. We will show you example with code and also discuss a few real world examples from early adopters of Firebase Remote Config.



Improve User Acquisition Campaigns with Firebase Analytics - day3/2c2d2aeb-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM / Stage 4 | Ursa Major

Got a great app and want more users? Having a user acquisition strategy is crucial to global app domination, but it doesn't have to be a leap in the dark! This talk shines a light on how you can run both organic and paid app install campaigns to deliver real results in a cost-effective way -- and how Firebase Analytics ties it all together. YouÕll learn how to track user acquisition performance, understand the right metrics to compare ad networks and see why lifetime value really matters.


Progressive Web Apps on Firebase - day3/ff641ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM / Stage 7 | Leo

Progressive Web Apps offer a first-class mobile experience for users, but can be daunting to approach the first time you build them. Luckily, Firebase offers a first-class development experience for building Progressive Web Apps! In this session, we'll take a Firebase-powered web application and turn it into an offline-ready, service-working, app-manifesting, production-ready Progressive Web App using Firebase Hosting, Auth, and Database. We'll walk through how to add Progressive Web App capabilities to an existing app, how to cache app shell and Firebase Database data offline, and how to deploy your PWA to Firebase Hosting.


5 Neat Tricks You Can Do With The Firebase Platform - day3/1c651ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM / Stage 2 | Hydra

So there's a lot of fun things you can already do with the new Firebase platform if you look at any individual feature. But let's take a look at some of the amazing tricks you can pull off when you combine some of these features together! Can you use the new Firebase platform to find your big spenders and send them a notification telling them about a hidden sale before the rest of your customer base? Well, I guess this presentation would be pretty boring if the answer was "no", but drop by and find out, anyway!





Angular 2 - day2/2e29cfd5-8d0a-e611-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM / Stage 8 | Crater

Early on with Angular 2, we focused on creating a full platform that encompasses even more of the needs of our developer community. Mobile is all the rage as of late, but the majority of successful product teams have investment across web, mobile web, installed mobile apps and even installed desktop applications. From individual developers all the way to CIOs, folks would like to reuse both their development expertise and their code across these platforms to deliver quickly and at minimal cost. Please join us to learn how we're addressing this full space of development needs in Angular 2.



Angular 2 and Progressive Web Apps - day1/35651ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 18, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM / Stage 7 | Leo

The Angular team has been investing in building tools and techniques that enable large teams to build robust applications that span desktop and mobile. Rob Wormald and Alex Rickabaugh cover the completely re-imagined Angular 2 framework, and the new tools that make it easy to build Progressive Web Apps.



Instant Loading: Building offline-first Progressive Web Apps - day2/f2621cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM / Amphitheatre

For most of the web, poor network connectivity destroys the user experience. We can do better. In this session we'll take an online-only site and turn it into a fully network-resilient, offline-first installable progressive web app, and this won't involve rebuilding from scratch; it'll be done in small iterations, with each step improving the user experience whether they're offline, online, or anything in between. This session will cover ServiceWorker, web manifests, add-to-homescreen banners, IndexedDB and BackgroundSync APIs.



Progressive, Performant, Polymer: Pick Three - day2/33631cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM / Stage 10 | Cassiopeia

A great webpage gives you the deeply-linked content you want, immediately, when you click a URL. A great app provides an immersive client-side experience. Building a web app that's great at both used to require a lot of effort and tooling. But a set of new technologies shipping in the modern web platform all fit together to bring this within reach for everyone. Learn how HTTP/2+Push, Custom Elements, HTML Imports, and Service Worker help you build sites that transition from lightweight entry points to full-fledged app experiences, all with great developer ergonomics.


Great libraries and tools for great Progressive Web Apps - day1/3d631cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 18, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM / Stage 10 | Cassiopeia

Progressive Web Apps should load fast, work great offline, and progressively enhance to a better experience in modern browsers. In this talk we'll walk through the tools and libraries that Google is creating to help developers create awesome experiences.



Polymer and Progressive Web Apps: Building on the modern web - day2/e8621cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM / Amphitheatre

The Polymer library, re-written from the ground up with its 1.0 release last year, helps you build composable, interoperable components to use in your web applications. We'll go over the latest features of the library, show how to use some powerful newly-released components, show how Polymer is used in practice, dive into the cutting-edge tools for shipping component-based applications, reveal a brand-new way to get started building Progressive Web Applications with Polymer, and a take sneak peek into the future of the project.



Progressive Web Apps across all frameworks - day3/f7621cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM / Stage 2 | Hydra

Progressive Web Apps can be built using any JavaScript library or framework, whether it's React, Angular 2.0, Ember or Polymer. In this talk, we'll dive into how to craft offline, lightning fast web apps using each of these solutions. Learn how to take advantage of Service Workers, Server-side Rendering and an application "shell" architecture to optimise for first meaningful paint, fast-first load and repeat visits. We'll also cover techniques for progressive-enhancement using these libraries so your users still get the best user experience supported by their browser.



AMP + Progressive Web Apps: Start fast, stay engaged - day3/ed621cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM / Amphitheatre

AMP delivers outstanding page-load performance for users browsing content on the mobile web, which is hugely important on limited or flaky networks. AMP gets content in front of users fast. Progressive Web Apps deliver reliable performance for re-visits to sites thanks to Service Workers and the App Shell architecture. This technique allows sites to deliver rich experiences without worrying about networks. Until now, however, these approaches for accelerating the mobile web have appeared to be in conflict. What if it were possible to use them in conjunction to deliver fast initial loading and reliable second-visit performance, as well as advanced features like offline reading and richer UI treatment? Come learn about how to make AMP-based PWAs and hear about how this architecture is working for real-world publishers today.


Building the Google I/O Web App: Launching a Progressive Web App on - day1/15631cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

Learn how 20% engineers at Google used the same open source tools & technologies you use to launch a Progressive Web App on We'll cover how we built a real, scalable, offline-first web app powered by Polymer, web components, service workers, notifications, Google Sign-in, Firebase, new browser APIs, and more. If Google has an API for it, we used it! Come for the workarounds. Stay for the tips and tricks.





Introducing the Awareness API, an easy way to make your apps context aware - day1/692d2aeb-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 18, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM / Stage 5 | Libra

Mobile devices are always with their users - when they wake up in the morning, at the park with friends, even while driving. There is a huge opportunity to increase user engagement and delight by tailoring your app experiences to be aware of these environments. We'll be introducing Awareness API which makes it easy to make your apps context aware, and manages system health for you.


Increasing app quality with Testing & Monitoring - day1/b9641ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 18, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM / Stage 7 | Leo

Increasing the quality of your app is essential to growing and retaining your user base, increasing your customersÕ satisfaction and boosting your revenues. Recent data from the Google Play Store revealed that the majority of users will never open an app again if they encounter two early-stage crashes. They are also more likely to give it a low rating and write a bad review. By mining the data from the 1-star reviews on Play, we recognized that more than half of these reviews are related to quality issues. In this talk, we'll provide GoogleÕs guidelines to building and publishing higher quality apps. WeÕll walk you through various tools and suites that allow you to ensure higher quality for your applications throughout the development lifecycle.


Mythbusting HTTPS: Squashing securityÕs urban legends - day1/1a631cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 18, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM / Stage 10 | Cassiopeia

HTTPS is a must-have for progressive web apps. ÒBut,Ó you say, Òit'll make my site slow! And it's going to cost a ton! And does it really give me any security benefits?Ó In this talk, we'll debunk some common myths and fears about HTTPS, show you why it's an essential feature for progressive web apps, and dispense some tips and tricks for getting a shiny green lock on your site.




GCM is now FCM! - day1/eb641ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 18, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM / Stage 6 | Virgo

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is the new GCM! Find out what platforms it works on (more than Android!), new features, how simple development has become and how you can leverage the power of FCM to develop high quality apps!



Building for billions on the web - day2/29631cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM / Stage 10 | Cassiopeia

With the growth of smartphones, we are seeing millions of people from around the word using the internet for the first time on a mobile device. In this session, you'll learn about the unique constraints and challenges these new users face and how you can build progressive web apps that address these challenges to deliver a great experience for all of your users.



Building GEO services that scale - day2/8e621cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM / Stage 9 | Cepheus

Not all map and geo applications run entirely on your mobile device. Perhaps you want to protect your keys or other API access data from reverse engineering by putting them in the cloud, or you have custom business logic that you run on your server that you don't want to distribute via mobile. To protect your keys and API access data you'll need to operate some kind of service. In this session you'll learn how to build that service on the Google Cloud Platform and consume it in a mobile application that uses the Google Maps APIs.



Notifications: Everything you need in 45 minutes - day2/d7641ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM / Stage 7 | Leo

Notifications are a powerful tool for engaging your end users. In this session, you'll learn about the life of a notification -- and the tools that you can use to create and deliver them, along with the APIs and best practices that you can use to render them in your apps. To know their effectiveness, you'll need to measure them too -- so we'll show you great tools and analytics that allow you to see which notifications work, and which ones don't.



Principles of mobile app design: Delight users and drive conversions - day2/97c924f1-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM / Stage 4 | Ursa Major

The barriers to users finding and engaging with a specific app are significant. While efforts are always being put into mechanisms to increase app discovery, it's critical for app developers to make sure app experiences are engaging. How can you best connect with the consumer of your app? What makes for a great app experience? What are best practices to help reduce friction so that users convert? This talk will help answer these questions by covering app design best practices based on research.


Who are you, really: Safer and more convenient sign-in on the web - day2/47631cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 19, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM / Stage 10 | Cassiopeia

Does the ÒForgot passwordÓ link on your site receive more clicks than you'd like? Creating, remembering and typing passwords is a real hassle for users, especially on mobile screens. As a result, users get stuck on the sign-in screen and have established a habit to reuse the same passwords across different sites, which of course entails a significant security risk. Learn about best practices on how to make your auth system more convenient and secure for your users - from the bare minimum (e.g., form annotation), to the more advanced (e.g., making your users immune to phishing).



Best practices for a great sign-in experience - day3/21651ff7-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM / Stage 7 | Leo

Are you losing users at sign-up or sign-in for your app? Google research has found that half of people get stuck on the sign-in screen. Building a secure and usable auth experience is difficult and time-consuming. GoogleÕs Identity Platform provides solutions to these problems drawing on principles derived from years of experience with one of the worldÕs largest account systems. Whether you are a new developer or already have an existing sign-in system, we can help you maximize conversion. WeÕve revamped Google Sign-In, expanded Smart Lock functionality, and overhauled our identity-as-a-service solution. Make use of these products today to keep your most engaged and valuable users signed-in across web, iOS, and Android.


Streamlining developer experiences with the Google Maps APIs - day3/98621cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM / Stage 5 | Libra

The Google Maps APIs provide a seamless experience for developers of all levels. Some want to offer a map or navigation but don't want to build these things themselves; this can be achieved with just a few lines of code. Other developers prefer to integrate natively with off-the-shelf widgets. Finally, some developers want complete control over every aspect of the presentation. This session will highlight the Maps APIs representing the full gamut of the developer experiences, enabling you to get going immediately and scale as necessary. You'll see how widgets and services can be added over time with a suite of Maps APIs, services and libraries.


Deep user engagement with web push notifications - day3/1f631cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM / Stage 10 | Cassiopeia

Push notifications are an incredibly effective way to build deeper user engagement with your application, and are now available on the web. In this session, we'll take a look at how they work and deep-dive into how to implement push notifications in web applications, from beginning to end.



The 2016 Web Development Workflow - day3/56631cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM / Stage 10 | Cassiopeia

In this session, we will take a retrospective look at old workflow tools, future web tooling paths, the web's unifications efforts, and arguments for why tools are dead, and why the only hope we have is to embrace the platform.



Best practices for orchestrating the Cloud with Kubernetes - day3/a5d50c09-0cef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM / Stage 5 | Libra

In the last decade, user demand for always-on applications have grown exponentially. Many developers choose application patterns to meet this need, but what about the infrastructure needed to support these ever growing demands? In this talk, we will introduce you to the next level of automation using hands-on examples of industry standard tooling like Docker, a container format, and Kubernetes, a distributed automation platform. We'll cover the basics of modern day applications and how design patterns like microservices drive the need for more robust infrastructure. Then we'll cover packaging and distributing apps using Docker. Finally, we'll up our game to running applications on Kubernetes. By the end of this talk you'll have the knowledge needed to excel at scale.


Bring your Android app to Android TV in minutes - day3/d9621cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM / Stage 1 | Hercules

Bringing your app to the living room can be done in less time than you may think. Join us in this talk, where we'll show you how to port your existing Android app over to millions of Android TV devices in minutes. We've also got some great tips on how to make your app shine on the big screen. Lean back and watch how easy Android TV development can really be, using Android Studio, libraries such as Leanback, and the provided Android TV emulator.


High performance web user interfaces - day3/59ba8126-111e-e611-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM / Stage 8 | Crater

Users expect Progressive Web Apps interfaces to be responsive and intuitive. In this session weÕll dissect some UI components, and see how we can build them in a performant way that delights our users.



Houdini: Demystifying the Future of CSS - day3/5b631cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM / Stage 10 | Cassiopeia

The engine that drives CSS is mostly working in the background, consuming the stylesheets we write. Houdini is a collaboration between browser vendors to specify and implement new JavaScript APIs that expose these internals of the engine to developers.


How AMP achieves its speed - day3/fc621cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM / Stage 2 | Hydra

The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) projectÕs primary goal is to make mobile web pages ridiculously fast, to the point where they appear to load instantly. Watch AMP engineering lead Malte Ubl dissect the anatomy of AMP and all of its performance insights and optimizations, to ultimately give you the power to control your own performance destiny.


V8, modern JavaScript, and beyond - day3/42631cfd-0bef-e511-a517-00155d5066d7

May 20, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM / Stage 10 | Cassiopeia

JavaScript powers the modern web and countless servers running Node.js. Chrome's V8 engine is faster than ever at running JavaScript code and now includes powerful new ES2015 features to give developers more control over how they write their apps. Listen to Seth Thompson talk about the latest speed advances V8 has made in compiling and running real-world code and how those performance improvements scale to large JavaScript frameworks running on a wide variety of devices. Finally, hear about the future of fast code in the browser with WebAssembly: a new cross-browser, plugin-free, low-level runtime for executing C/C++ code on the web.