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API management


Session 11am to 12pm

modernizing the exterprise throu apis

api management

modernize how we do our business

big problem breaks it into quarter chunk of sub projects

JQuery datatables

need api delivery, security, management and discovery


api gateways solve problems like:






conversion json



threat protection

high performance policy enforcement/decision point

api gateway guards servers with a reverse proxy model

bridge identifites: oauth1.0, oauth 2.0

Apple Push Notification (APN) service

XMPP Connections

oauth/open id connect

ios and android authorization sdk



apple push notification service APNS

google cloud notification

CA mobile access gateway (MAG) for native and phonegap

ca api developer portal

ca api gateway - policy manager








API, Web Services & Microservices Testing Pathway


This pathway is a tool to help guide your self development in API, web services and microservices testing. It includes a variety of steps that you may approach linearly or by hopping about to those that interest you most.


Each step includes:

    links to a few resources as a starting point, but you are likely to need to do your own additional research as you explore each topic.

    a suggested exercise or two, which focus on reflection, practical application and discussion, as a tool to connect the resources with your reality.


Take your time. Dig deep into areas that interest you. Apply what you learn as you go.



STEP - Distinguishing APIs and web services

An API (Application Programming Interface) is the means by which third parties can write code that interfaces with other code. A Web Service is a type of API that:

o   is used to exchange data between applications,

o   uses a standard defined by W3C, 

o   has an interface that is depicted in a machine-processable format usually specified as a WSDL (Web Service Description Language), and 

o   almost always operates over HTTP.

Example web service protocols include SOAP, REST, and XML-RPC. An example of an API that is not a web service is the Linux Kernel API, which is written in C for use on a local machine.


References: API vs Web Service, Difference between web API and web service, Difference between API and web service


o   2013 - What APIs Are And Why They're Important - Brian Proffitt

o   2006 - What are web services (section) - Nicholas Chase

o   2005 - Introduction to Web Services (PDF) - Ioannis G. Baltopoulos


[1 hour] Once you feel that you understand the difference between APIs and web services, talk to a developer. Ask what APIs and web services exist within the application that you're working on. Work with your developer to draw a simple architecture diagram that shows whereabouts in your application these interfaces are located. Be sure you can distinguish which are APIs and which are web services, and that you know which protocols each interface uses.



STEP - Understanding SOAP and REST

Learn more about two common implementations of web services and the differences between them:

¥   2006 - Understanding SOAP (section) - Nicholas Chase

¥   What is REST? (video) - Todd Fredrich

¥   2013 - Understanding SOAP and REST Basics And Differences - John Mueller

¥   2008 - How to GET a cup of coffee - Jim Webber, Savas Parastatidis & Ian Robinson


[1 hour] Find out whether you have any services with both a SOAP and a REST implementation. This means that the same business operation can be served in two different formats through two different APIs. Talk to a developer or technical lead and ask them to demonstrate a request in each implementation. Discuss the differences between these two interfaces and some of the reasons that both exist.



STEP - API and web service testing

Discover the tools available and some common mnemonics to approach web service testing:

¥   2014 - API Testing: Why it matters and how to do it - Michael Churchman

¥   2013 - Johnny mnemonic - ICEOVERMAD - Ash Winter

¥   The API Testing Dojo - Smart Bear

¥   2015 - API Testing: UI Tools - Avinash Shetty

¥   2015 - API Testing: Developer Tools - Avinash Shetty

¥   2015 - WTEU-53 - An introduction to API Testing - Amy Phillips

¥   2015 - Some API Testing Basic Introductory Notes and Tools - Alan Richardson 


[3 hours] Repeat the 53rd Weekend Testing Europe session by running some comparative tests on the SongKick API and associated website. SongKick is a service that matches users to live music events taking place near them. Use your web browser to make API requests as you would a website URL. Alongside the links from Amy Phillips and Alan Richardson above, you can refer to the SongKick API and the full transcript of the weekend testing Europe session for guidance. Experiment with locating different test data and using different API requests until you understand how the API functions. Please abide by all terms of use and do not experiment with load or security testing on this API.


[3 hours] Install Postman and use it to test the TradeMe Sandbox API. TradeMe is the leading online marketplace and classified advertising platform in New Zealand. Public, unregistered, access to their developer API is restricted to catalogue methods. Experiment with retrieving information and compare your results against the TradeMe Sandbox site. Please abide by all terms of use and do not experiment with load or security testing on this API.


[3 hours] Explore the Predic8 online REST web services demo using the advanced REST client Chrome extension or PAW - the ultimate REST client for Mac. You will need to install your chosen software and read the supporting documentation for the demonstration REST service. Explore the different functions provided. In addition to retrieving information you should be able to modify data using POST, PUT and DELETE requests. Please abide by all terms of use and do not experiment with load or security testing on this API.



Securing the digital enterprise

API and API infrastructure security for the CSO


API Security at all Points of Engagement

API and data security, threat protection, regulatory compliance & identity management


The right API security architecture.

Configurable policies for access control and threat protection with support for:


LDAP, Active Directory, SAML, OAuth, TLS


PCI DSS, HIPAA, EU Safe Harbor

API Security

Enterprises are reshaping their business models to address the new digital economy by making data and applications available as APIs for consumption in mobile applications, cloud applications and Internet of Things (IoT). While APIs connect enterprises with mobile apps and a large community of developers, these APIs also need to be scalable, reliable, and most importantly secure. As these businesses start monetizing their resources through digital channels they need to become more vigilant about security and complaince and prevent their APIs against threats and hacks.

The Akana (formerly SOA Software) API Security solution streamlines management, deployment, development and operation of APIs, enhancing security and regulatory compliance through authentication, authorization and audit capabilities. The Akana API Gateway, deployed at the edge of the network to provide perimeter security and defence, protects the enterprise by handling authentication and authorization, encrypting data, preventing threats and attacks and rate limiting traffic. The API Gateway can be deployed in the cloud or on-premises.


Authentication and Authorization

   Choose from a wide array of authentication schemes, standards and token types to ensure that only valid users and applications get access

   Integrate with leading identity and access management providers or use the built-in access control system

Use existing enterprise security systems to create an OAuth authorization server.



Message Security

   Ensure the privacy of data in flight and at rest (a key requirement for PCI Compliance)

   Support SSL & TLS as well as message-based encryption and decryption using the XML-Encryption standards

   Sign and verify messages and headers to provide non-repudiation

Simplify key and certificate generation, distribution and management with built-in PKI services



Threat Protection

   Prevent Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, malformed messages or excessive XML/JSON depth and breadth.

   Detect and prevent SQL, JavaScript or XPath/XQuery injection attacks

Provide a content firewall, protecting against malicious content including protection against viruses in attachments and validation of message content – XML and JSON data structure, form and query parameters.


Orchestration, Mediation and Transformation

   Bi-directional protocol transformation - Convert existing SOAP or Plain-old-XML (POX) over MQ or JMS services into RESTful APIs with XML and/or JSON content

   API & Message Routing - Route based on message content, headers, identity and other factors

   Orchestration - Remove operations, aggregate multiple backend APIs or services, perform mediation, or composition - without writing code.

Scripting - Author reusable scripts using a variety of languages (e.g. node.js, JavaScript, Groovy, Jython, BeanShell) and embed them within processes


Analytics and Monitoring

   Real-time system monitoring – Use the Web-based dashboards to get real-time visibility into service and API performance, dependencies, and alert status

   Alert Management – Powerful alert management, monitoring, and distribution. Leverage alerts within compositions to control message routing, enforce SLAs or perform other runtime activities

Analytics – Dashboards and out-of-the-box reports provide visibility into the performance of APIs and services from different perspectives, including department, partner, application contract, API/service or operation.


Unified API and SOA

   Define and Manage APIÕs- Create APIs with multiple interfaces using different standards including REST/XML, REST/JSON and SOAP with no extra development effort

   Comprehensive Integration with AkanaÕs Lifecycle Manager - Control the service production and consumption process from requirements definition to development

Contract Management - Manage relationships between service consumers and providers


Deploy in the cloud, or on-premises

   On-Premise or in the Cloud – You can choose how and where you deploy to best meet the need of your business

Virtual Appliance – Deploy as a pre-packaged hardened virtual appliance on any infrastructure of your choice

Amazon API Gateway


Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. With a few clicks in the AWS Management Console, you can create an API that acts as a Òfront doorÓ for applications to access data, business logic, or functionality from your back-end services, such as workloads running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), code running on AWS Lambda, or any Web application. Amazon API Gateway handles all the tasks involved in accepting and processing up to hundreds of thousands of concurrent API calls, including traffic management, authorization and access control, monitoring, and API version management. Amazon API Gateway has no minimum fees or startup costs. You pay only for the API calls you receive and the amount of data transferred out.


Easily Monitor API Activity

After your API is deployed, Amazon API Gateway provides you with a dashboard to visually monitor calls to your services using Amazon CloudWatch, so you see performance metrics and information on API calls, data latency, and error rates.


Streamline API Development

Amazon API Gateway lets you simultaneously run multiple versions of the same API, allowing you to quickly iterate, test, and release new versions.


Flexible Security Controls

API Gateway provides you with tools to authorize access to your APIs and control service operation access. You can use AWS administration and security tools, such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Amazon Cognito, to authorize access to your APIs. Amazon API Gateway can verify signed API calls on your behalf using the same technology AWS uses for its own APIs. If you already use OAuth tokens or other authorization mechanism, Amazon API Gateway can forward your OAuth or OpenID Connect headers to your back end for verification.


Create RESTful Endpoints for Existing Services

With Amazon API Gateway, you can create modern resource based APIs, and then use the dynamic and flexible data transformation capabilities to generate the requests in the language your target services expect. API Gateway also helps you protect your existing services by setting throttling rules to avoid overwhelming your back-end infrastructure during unpredictable traffic spikes.


Run Your APIs Without Servers

Amazon API Gateway tightly integrates with AWS Lambda to allow you to create completely server-less APIs. With Amazon API Gateway, you create REST APIs that your mobile and web applications can use to call publicly available AWS services through your code running in AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda runs your code on a high-availability compute infrastructure and performs all the heavy lifting and administration of your compute resources.

AWS Lambda

Run code with out thinking about servers.

Pay for only the compute time you consume.

AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You pay only for the compute time you consume - there is no charge when your code is not running. With Lambda, you can run code for virtually any type of application or backend service - all with zero administration. Just upload your code and Lambda takes care of everything required to run and scale your code with high availability. You can set up your code to automatically trigger from other AWS services or call it directly from any web or mobile app.



Your first 250 device minutes are free

Pricing is based on device minutes, which are determined by the number of devices you use and the duration of your tests. AWS Device Farm comes with a free trial of 250 device minutes. After that you are charged $0.17 per device minute. As your testing needs grow, you can opt for our unmetered testing plan, which allows unlimited testing for a flat monthly fee of $250 per device.

There are no long-term contracts – and you have the freedom to modify your pricing plan based on your needs.


Test on the same devices your customers use

Run tests across a large selection of physical devices in parallel from various manufacturers with varying hardware, OS versions and form factors. Unlike emulators, physical devices provide a more accurate understanding of how users interact with your app, by taking into account factors such as memory, CPU usage, location, and modifications done by manufactures and carriers to the firmware and software. We are always adding devices to the fleet. See the device list.


Simulate real-world environments

Fine-tune your test environment by configuring location, language, application data, and installing prerequisite apps to simulate real-world customer conditions.


Integrate with your development workflow

Use our service plug-ins and API to automatically initiate tests from continuous integration systems like Jenkins and other development tools.


Fix issues faster and delight your users

Focus on the most important issues by viewing detailed, actionable reports. We identify and group problems across every device, so you can quickly analyze results, logs, screenshots, and performance data across your tests.


Choose the tests that work for you

Run our built-in test suite - no scripting required. Or fully customize your tests by selecting from a range of popular open-source test frameworks like Appium, Calabash, and Espresso that allow you to take full control. View the list of supported frameworks.

Supported Test Types and Built-in Tests

Device Farm currently provides support for the following test types:

For Android:

   Appium Java JUnit

   Appium Java TestNG


   Instrumentation (JUnit, Espresso, Robotium, or any instrumentation-based tests)

   UI Automator


For iOS:

   Appium Java JUnit

   Appium Java TestNG


   UI Automation

   XCTest (including KIF)

If you do not have your own tests, you can use a built-in fuzz test. For more information, see Built-in: Fuzz (Android and iOS).


Test with confidence

Each device is dedicated to you for the duration of your test and completely isolated from other devices at the software and hardware level. After each test run, the devices are wiped to remove your application and data.