May 29, 2013

Rancho Cordova man sentenced to prison for child exploitation

A Rancho Cordova man was sentenced today to 12 years in prison for sexual exploitation of a minor.

Brandon Marks, 25, was sentenced in federal court in Sacramento by U.S. District Judge Kimberly J. Mueller. He will be subject to 40 years of supervised release following his time in prison for enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity, and for receiving and sharing child pornography, according to a federal Department of Justice news release. He also will be required to register as a sex offender under the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act.

According to court documents, on May 29, 2012, an undercover detective responded to a Craigslist advertisement that Marks had posted in which he sought to acquire children's underwear. After a week of online and cell phone communications, during which Marks sent several images and one video of child pornography, Marks agreed to meet the undercover detective at a Sacramento hotel to have sex with what he thought to be a 12-year-old girl. He was arrested when he arrived at the hotel.

A search of Marks' phone, computer and email accounts found evidence of trading in child pornography, officials said. Investigators found a total of two videos and about 70 images of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct.


Man Posed As One DirectionÕs Harry Styles To Sexually Exploit Young Children


Friday, 31 May 2013

A 45 year-old American man has been charged with Ôemploying a minor in an obscene performanceÕ amongst other things this week - after posing as One DirectionÕs Harry Styles and offering young children tickets to One Direction concerts in return for performing sex acts on webcam.

Connecticut-based John Eastman travelled to Virginia earlier this month, but was arrested after a warrant was issued following accusations that heÕd been using Skype - with the username Harry.Styles888 and some pictures of the singer - to convince young children he was Styles, before using the identity to get them to perform lewd acts on webcam.


Currently being held on a bail of $500,000, police found hundreds of graphic pictures and videos of child pornography, while his webcam was being used to take dozens of indecent pictures of children as young as five, Sky News reports via Republican American. ItÕs also been claimed that heÕd offer the kids One Direction gig tickets in return for the sexual favours.

HeÕs since been Ôhauled backÕ to Connecticut after being found in Virginia, and now faces charges which include Ôemploying a minor in an obscene performanceÕ.

Danish Tourist Reportedly Gang-Raped, Robbed In New Delhi

JANUARY 15, 2014 9:37 AM ET


A 51-year-old Danish tourist was allegedly gang-raped in the heart of India's capital, and police said Wednesday that they've detained several suspects for questioning.

According to a police spokesman, the woman asked a group of men for directions back to her hotel Tuesday after she became lost. The Press Trust of India news agency reports that the men allegedly lured her to a secluded area near New Delhi's Connaught Place where she was robbed, beaten and sexually assaulted at knife-point.

NPR's Julie McCarthy reports that the attack occurred in Rajeev Chowk, which is filled with upmarket stores, restaurants and posh offices.

"When she came [in], it was miserable," Amit Bahl, owner of the Amax hotel in the Paharganj area, where the woman was staying, was quoted by The Associated Press as saying. The alleged victim, he said, was "not in good shape."

The hotel is popular with backpackers, and a sign outside reads that it's "Recommended by Lonely Planet," the AP says.

The attack is the latest to focus world attention on sexual violence in India, where four men received a death sentence in September for raping a 23-year-old woman in the capital. The alleged attack on the Danish tourist follows reports of similar assaults in India on a Swiss tourist last March and a U.S. woman in June. Three men were convicted and sentenced to 20 years in the June incident.

McCarthy says, "the glare of publicity [over attacks on foreigners] has hurt India's image abroad and its tourism industry has been hit as a result."

U.S. tourist in India says she was gang raped this week

A 46-year old American tourist on her first visit to India says she was gang raped earlier this week while visiting Dharamsala, a popular tourist destination in the hills of northern India, according to Indian media reports.

ÒShe says she had gone out for dinner at around 9 p.m.,Ó senior police officer Renu Sharma told NDTV. ÒWhen she was returning at around midnight, someone grabbed her and then she fell unconscious. She said when she came to, she realized she had been raped. She then went to the police station.Ó

The Times of India reported that a case had been ÒregisteredÓ against Òtwo unknown assailantsÓ in connection with the allegation.

The rape is one of several reported in the past few years by women tourists at a time when the country has been grappling with many more rapes of Indian women.

A 30-year-old American woman was reportedly gang raped in the town of Manali in 2013. Earlier this year, Japan warned female citizens about visiting India following two rape allegations brought by Japanese women, one in Jaipur and another in the state of Bihar.

In December, 2012, tourists from Switzerland, Ireland and Denmark filed rape charges as well.


Interactive timeline: A span of decades

The decades-long process of design and construction for the new Bay Bridge eastern span has been plagued by controversy, delay and vast cost overruns. Visit our timeline to see the history.

Corrosion plagues new Bay Bridge span

Experts say that while a total collapse seems unlikely, if Caltrans miscalculated corrosion estimates a major quake could cripple sections of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.


Doug Coe, a normally confident engineering manager for the new east span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, walked into the nearby Oakland project office looking as if he were fighting back tears. Joel Sayre, then a bridge spokesman who worked there, remembers tensing in alarm.

Engineers had discovered an alarming corrosion problem with the "post-tension" tendons, and were pumping gallons of rusty water from the ducts that held them, Sayre said Coe told him. "Oh my god," he recalled Coe saying that afternoon in late spring of 2006. "What are we going to do?"

Coe, whom the California Department of Transportation would not permit to answer questions, was talking about thousands of steel tendons in the skyway section of the new span – the elevated roadway that runs from the Oakland footing to the suspension bridge near Yerba Buena Island. Ducts containing the tendons, crucial to structural integrity, had been left unsealed. Rainfall and water used to cure concrete, tainted by construction debris exposed to salty bay mist, had entered many of them.

The bridge was billions of dollars over budget and years behind schedule. Rusty water meant tendons had corroded. Sayre said Coe, lead skyway engineer, described a potential nightmare that could stop construction cold.

Such concerns led Caltrans to examine hundreds of tendons. The agency found little significant corrosion – a false alarm. It laid out that conclusion in a report and moved on.

Because of the concerns of Sayre and others, The Bee compared that Caltrans study against about 115,000 pages of construction and inspection records and found the conclusions were based on wrong information. The records show that the agency misstated in its report the extent of water contamination and its own inspection efforts. Conclusions that corrosion caused no harm were based partly on underestimates about how long tendons were left exposed and vulnerable, and on suspect testing methods.

In March, anchor bolts meant to secure seismic equipment on the new bridge broke – an event attributed partly to water-induced corrosion. Caltrans similarly failed to take basic precautions to protect many skyway tendons from water even after the agency completed its study. Those lapses and others, said nine leading experts in the corrosion of bridge tendons, introduced uncertainty about the durability of the skyway.

Experts said that while a total collapse seemed unlikely, if Caltrans miscalculated corrosion estimates a major quake could cripple sections of the skyway. The span's construction violated universally accepted techniques meant to prevent corrosion, they said, and could result in costly inspection and maintenance headaches nearly unheard of for similar modern bridges.

Among The Bee's findings:

Beginning more than two years before Coe's discovery, inspectors frequently warned about water leaks and corrosion. Bridge spokesman Andrew Gordon could not say why officials failed to address the problems without significant research.

Experts blamed water problems on design or construction errors. Leaks of grout – a cement-based filler that normally prevents or halts corrosion – between hundreds of ducts forced long construction delays that left tendons exposed. They said the errors made further, unseen corrosion of tendons likely.

Caltrans used the wrong tests for corrosion, resulting in "essentially useless" findings, said UC Berkeley engineering professor Thomas Devine, an internationally known authority on corrosion-caused cracking in metals. He called the agency's research "woefully inadequate" and "meaningless" for detecting "environmentally assisted cracking," which can worsen as tendons fatigue under stress, and can ultimately cause breaks.

University of South Florida professor Alberto A. SagŸŽs, sole independent evaluator of the Caltrans study, gave it a vote of confidence based on faulty assumptions provided by Caltrans. SagŸŽs declined to comment.

Caltrans declined Bee requests to interview toll bridge manager Tony Anziano and chief Bay Bridge engineer Brian Maroney about the tendons.

In written responses to questions, Gordon said "Corrosion has been an issue since the first steel bridge was built, and what we learned from this particular challenge six years ago is that we're never going to be done fighting the battle against corrosion in the San Francisco Bay."

Neil Hawkins, engineering professor emeritus at the University of Illinois, reviewed the Caltrans study and other documents for The Bee. He said in an email that the agency probably had faced a grim dilemma when the problems came to light.

"The alternatives may have been proceeding as they have done or tearing down completely the existing construction," Hawkins said. "The issue then becomes both technical, economic and political. Who bears the blame and why did this irregularity occur?"

Duct tape defense

On a cool, overcast day in November 2004, during a routine check of the bridge deck, Caltrans inspector Laura Rubalcaba stumbled on a surprise: Water was leaking through damaged vents that led into tendon ducts.

Those galvanized steel ducts run inside the concrete segments that make up much of the bridge. Once tendons are inserted into the ducts and anchored at one end, hydraulic jacks stretch or "stress" the tendons, compressing segments to boost strength. Builders then fill ducts with grout to protect the tendons against corrosion.

Such methods have been commonplace, worldwide, since the 1950s. Until recent decades, water leaks that caused tendons to corrode also were common. Corroded tendons can crack and rupture, causing maintenance headaches – or in extreme cases, bridge failures. In 1992, after some structures collapsed, United Kingdom authorities declared a four-year moratorium on post-tensioned bridge construction – and a longer moratorium for using the technique on bridges that, like the skyway, are built from precast segments. In 1999 and 2000, major Florida bridges failed due to tendon corrosion.

Strict federal and state rules were developed to ensure that salt, water and construction debris can't enter ducts and corrode tendons. Those rules – and the skyway contract – required grouting within 10 days of tendon installation; 30 days if the builder blows a rust-inhibiting powder into the ducts.

Rubalcaba, like dozens of other inspectors, policed contractors who built the bridge. Where she stood, according to construction diaries, many tendons in ungrouted ducts had been installed more than two months earlier.

Nicole Maines, Transgender Student, Goes To Maine High Court

A court in Maine awarded the family of a transgender teenager $75,000 in a discrimination lawsuit against a school district that forced the student to use a staff restroom rather than a facility reserved for pupils, reports the Associated Press.

Nicole Maines, 17, had won her lawsuit against the Orono school district earlier this year in front of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, which ruled that the school district had violated the stateÕs Human Rights Act.

Transgender child, 6, wins civil rights case to use the girls restroom at school in Colorado

A Colorado transgender girl, Coy Mathis, 6,  has won the right to use the female restrooms at her elementary school in a civil rights case


As reported by Merritt Clifton, Editor of Animals 24-7 on October 3, 2015, ÒAlthough only 5% of the U.S. and Canadian dog population are pit bulls, in the past nine years pit bulls have accounted for 80% of the dogs involved in fatal and disfiguring attacks, resulting in two-thirds of the deaths and disfigurements.Ó



China Banking Crisis Escalates: Some Banks Suspend Lending Activity

By Valentin Schmid, Epoch Times | June 26, 2013


The East Bay watched from the sidelines last year as housing prices soared in the South Bay and Peninsula, propelled by Silicon Valley's unstoppable growth. This year its turn to rebound finally came.



"It was like somebody walked in and flicked on a light switch" in mid-March, said Jason Crouch of All East Bay Properties in Emeryville.



The gains have brought cities closer to their peak prices before the 2007 housing crash, restored positive equity to tens of thousands of homes that had been underwater for years, and given many homeowners a chance to refinance high-interest loans. But they also reflect a tight inventory of single-family homes for sale that have set off bidding wars and have forced homebuyers to trim their expectations.



Oakland -- which dubbed the nation's No. 1 "turnaround town" in the second quarter -- saw its median sale price rise 56 percent in a year, reaching $450,000, according to DataQuick, a real estate information service that compiled 2004 to 2013 median sale prices per quarter for this newspaper.



Pittsburg, another community hit hard by the housing bubble's collapse, was up 54 percent to $270,000; Richmond, a town racked by foreclosures, rose 52 percent to $230,000. Martinez jumped 27 percent to $422,000; Antioch was up 31 percent to $275,000, while Oakley was up almost 39 percent to $303,500.



Those cities had some of the lowest home prices to begin with and were recovering from the biggest post-bubble declines. In pricier Orinda, where homes sell for $900,000 to $1 million, the median gained less than 5 percent in the same period.



Across the bay where some places had already reached their pre-bubble peaks, there were smaller percentage increases in sale prices over the year. Palo Alto was up only 6.6 percent to $1.82 million, for instance. San Jose, with more lower-priced houses, gained 22.8 percent to reach a median price of $660,000.



The East Bay's big gains of the first three quarters of the year are not likely to be repeated in the final quarter of this year, according to DataQuick.

"It's possible that in lots of these communities, the biggest gains for a while have been made," said Andrew LePage of DataQuick. "It's not that we won't see gains next year, but not as many areas will see 20 to 30 percent year-over-year gains."

Not everyone is happy with the run-up in prices. The gains -- welcomed by homeowners -- meant lowered expectations for many who were looking for a home.

Christine Cochrane, who works for the nonprofit Berkeley Repertory Theatre, began looking for a new home in June with her partner, Nicole Dickerson, who works at an animal hospital in Berkeley. With a limit of $400,000, they quickly realized they'd been priced out of Berkeley.

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A home for sale in Union City. (ANDA CHU/Staff file photo)

"So then we were hoping we could get into the Richmond Annex neighborhood, but since June we've gotten priced out of the Annex," said Cochrane, who lives in Richmond.

Now the market may be working in their favor. "The last house we offered on only got three offers. It seems like things are maybe slowing down a little bit," she said.

Taking advantage of the drop in interest rates and the rise in home values, Rich Overby, a staff manager for AT&T in Walnut Creek, was able to lower his mortgage payments by refinancing his two-bedroom, two-bath home in Concord, which ended the third quarter with an annual gain of 38 percent to $520,000.

Overby said he bought his house for $409,000 in April 2011 with an FHA loan. "The bottom hadn't quite been reached," Overby said, and he watched the home slide to $380,000 before shooting up again over the past year.

"In April, I had it reappraised, and it appraised at $450,000," he said. He refinanced and got out of the FHA loan's expensive mortgage insurance premiums.

Cities where prices were pumped up by shoddy lending have the longest climb back. Even with this year's gains, Oakland and Concord are about 28 percent below their peak sale price; Pittsburg is 42 percent below; Concord is 28 percent below, and Richmond is nearly 50 percent below its peak. In contrast, Sunnyvale and Los Altos in Santa Clara County have already regained their peaks, and Belmont and Burlingame in San Mateo County are less than a percentage point from their highs.

Still, the run-up in home prices has pulled tens of thousands of homes in Alameda and Contra Costa counties out from underwater since September 2012, according to CoreLogic. The East Bay ended the first quarter of this year with 22.3 percent of its homes having negative equity; by June that had dropped to 15.7 percent, CoreLogic said.

3 Things To Know About Edward Snowden's Passenger Purgatory

JUNE 29, 2013 2:57 PM ET

Edward Snowden praises EU parliament vote against US extradition

The narrowly passed measure called on member states to protect the whistleblower from prosecution, which he sees as Ôa chance to move forwardÕ

Thursday 29 October 2015 14.55 EDT

July 11, 2013

Two accused of lewd photography in Davis greenbelt

A man was arrested for allegedly photographing a woman who disrobed herself to passing bike riders along a Davis greenbelt. The female flasher was also arrested.

The man, Nicholas Bowen, 61, (pictured right) of Grizzly Flats, El Dorado County, was seen either taking video or photographs of Wenyi Xu, 30, (pictured left) of Folsom, about 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, according to Davis police.

Police said that a worker in the municipal greenbelt near the Covell bike overcrossing on the north side of Community Park saw a woman exposing herself to two passing juveniles on bikes.

While the woman disrobed in front of the young people, a man recorded it with a camera. One of the youths was so taken aback by the sight of the nude woman that he fell off his bike.

Police responded and arrested Xu on suspicion of indecent exposure, annoying a child and engaging in lewd acts in public. Bowen was arrested on suspicion of assisting in indecent exposure, annoying a child and lewd acts in public.

Couple Held to Answer on Indecent Exposure Charges at Davis Park

Posted by David Greenwald

Date: February 11, 2014

Further evidence discovered by investigator Pearson shows disturbing text messages exchanged between Xu and Bowen. On April 25, Xu was found sending a picture to Bowen of herself at the edge of a bed nude, with her legs spread apart. Also in the group of text messages, Xu is found sending a picture of her own two-year-old, straddled nude in the same position at the edge of the same bed.

These pictures were then collaged and resent back to Xu from BowenÕs phone, along with a text message asking if Bowen can masturbate while looking at the picture of the two-year-old daughter nude. Xu responded back with agreement, showing that she was accepting the disturbing request presented by Bowen.

There were a total of 4,000 text messages exchanged between Bowen and Xu, many of which show acts of pedophilia. Although Xu claimed that there was nothing between them, digital evidence presented by Pearson shows otherwise.

Couzens denied the request of the defense to reduce the charges to a misdemeanor by stating, ÒXu allowed Bowen to have exposing pictures of her two-year-old daughter, while also getting kids aroused by exposing herself to them. She further allowed Bowen to record these disturbing acts, allowing him to masturbate to the footage of minorsÓ.

teen held in box on Lake County pot farm

Feds: California teen alleges captivity, sexual abuse on marijuana 'farm'

By Natalia Perez-Segnini, CNN


Updated 11:18 AM ET, Wed July 31, 2013

Two Northern California men made brief appearances in federal court Wednesday in what began as another big pot-growing drug bust but what has become a horrifying story of one teenager's alleged torment, captivity and sexual abuse.

The criminal complaint against the two men -- Ryan Balletto, 30, and Patrick Pearmain, 24 -- outlines the allegations of a 15-year-old girl's ordeal of being held in a coffin-like box for hours on end at a marijuana-growing "farm" where she worked trimming plants.

Balletto and Pearmain were criminally charged in federal court earlier this month -- and are in custody without bail -- with conspiracy to manufacture and distribute more than 1,000 marijuana plants and with using a minor in a drug operation. Additionally Pearmain faces state charges of kidnapping to commit robbery or rape and unlawful sex with a minor. Balletto faces state charges of lewd and lascivious acts with a child.

They appeared before a federal judge during a three-minute hearing Wednesday, according to court records. No pleas were entered, and arraignment of the two is set for Friday in federal court, according to records.

Efforts Wednesday to reach attorneys for the two men were not successful.

The girl sometimes was held in a metal toolbox 4 feet long, 2 feet wide and 2 feet high, authorities said. According to the criminal complaint, she told authorities that the men "put her in the box to 'teach' her because they had a 'point to prove.'"

FBI 'saves 105 trafficked children in 76 US cities'

                  29 July 2013


The FBI says it has rescued 105 children and arrested 150 pimps in 76 US cities over the weekend, in an operation against child prostitution.

The largest numbers of children rescued were in San Francisco, Detroit, Milwaukee, Denver and New Orleans.

FBI assistant director Ronald Hosko said the Operation Cross Country VII raids had been the agency's largest action against child exploitation.

The FBI said 2,700 children have been rescued in such US raids since 2003.

The victims in the most recent raids were almost all girls and range in age from 13 to 17.


They had been prostituted in a variety of locations, including truck stops, casinos, motels as well as on social media and online advertisements.

Mr Hosko said the accused had preyed on vulnerable teenagers, exploiting them over a period of time.

"Girls are enticed with compliments or offers, [asked] do they want to make some money," he said.

"Then they are trapped into this cycle that involves drugs, that involves physical abuse. It may involve torture."

Since 2003, some 1,350 people have been convicted in such cases, including life prison sentences for 10 pimps, the FBI said.

Assets of more than $3.1m (£2m) have been seized.

The US justice department has estimated as many as 450,000 children run away from home each year.

It says a third of teens living on the street will be lured toward prostitution within 48 hours of leaving home.

Some lawmakers have said further legal protections are needed.

Oregon Senator Ron Wyden has introduced a bill to require local police, as well as foster care and child welfare programmes to identify children lured into sex trafficking as victims of abuse and neglect, making them eligible for protection and services.

"In much of the country today if a girl is found in the custody of a so-called pimp she is not considered to be a victim of abuse, and that's just wrong and defies common sense," Sen Wyden said during a hearing last month.




JULY 31, 2013

Burka Avenger: Conservative PakistanÕs New Animated Liberal Superheroine

By Krista Mahr @kristamahrAug. 01, 2013


Pa. judge upholds sale of widow's home over $6 tax bill

Michael Winter, USA TODAY 1:04 a.m. EDT April 29, 2014


A Pennsylvania county judge has again ruled against a widow who lost her home because of an unpaid $6.30 interest charge for paying her school taxes late.

Beaver County Common Pleas Judge Gus Kwidis ruled that Eileen Battisti, of Aliquippa, was properly notified about the September 2011 tax sale of her home, which was valued at about $280,000 and sold at auction for $116,000. The decision last Tuesday followed an evidentiary hearing ordered by a higher court, which last April overturned his earlier ruling upholding the sale.

Battisti, who still lives in the house, told the Associated Press on Monday that she would appeal.

"I paid everything, and didn't know about the $6.30," she said. "For the house to be sold just because of $6.30 is crazy."

Her attorney told the Beaver County Times that it was " something out of the ordinary" for a home to be sold for such a small tax claim.

Beaver County's top solicitor defended the decision.

"The county never wants to see anybody lose their home, but at the same time the tax sale law, the tax real estate law, doesn't give a whole lot of room for error, either," Joe Askar told AP.

The dispute involves school district taxes, penalties and interest for 2008, which Battisti paid in early May 2009. But because her payment was six days late, an additional interest payment of $6.30 was added. Battisti said she was never notified of the overdue interest after country tax authorities credited her account.

When her home was sold, the Tax Claim Bureau of Beaver County said she was delinquent $234.72.

Battisti sued the county and the man who bought her house, S.P. Lewis.

Battisti and her husband, Anthony, bought their home in 1999. Five years later, he died, leaving her with the household finances and taxes, which he had handled. She paid off the mortgage from his life insurance but fell behind on property taxes.

In appealing the sale, Battisti told the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania that she "has struggled to assume responsibility for the financial matters previously handled by her husband," in addition to "physical and emotional challenges that have caused her to be tardy in paying taxes."

Those challenges included "a serious physical injury suffered by her daughter, the murder of her son's best friend at college, and a serious physical injury that kept Taxpayer out of work for some time."

In April 2013, the court ordered a new hearing, saying Battisti had been denied due process.

Tax records show that as of last week she has an outstanding balance of more than $20,000, including penalties and interest, for county, municipal and school taxes from 2009 to 2013.



Eileen Battisti's husband died in 2004, five years after they bought their home. Valued at $280,000, it sold at a 2011 sheriff's sale for $116,000. 


German woman who lost arm in Hawaii shark attack dies

Jana Lutteropp, 20, was on life support after she was bitten by a shark while snorkeling off Maui on Aug. 14. 'Jana fought hard to stay alive,' her mother and sister said in a statement.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Updated: Thursday, August 22, 2013, 1:28 AM


The first one is a personal statement from Alexis G. Ditaway, a Missouri student majoring in journalism and minoring in black studies. She wrote about what she says was a racially charged campus experience.

A warning: Both statements include a racial epithet.

To Whom It May Concern:

The University of Missouri has held itself true to four central values. Respect, Discovery, Excellence and Responsibility can be seen heavily displayed around our university's campus. From hanging on our iconic columns, to being the names of four of our residence halls, Mizzou markets these ideals and states that they will "pledge ourselves to act, in the totality of our life together, in accord with these values."

It is with great disappointment, however, that I am writing this statement to express how these ideals were, once again, not reflected due to the actions of my fellow students.

On Friday, November 6th, 2015 at approximately 11:15pm, Amber Letbetter, a current United Ambassador and 2015 Legion of Black Collegians Homecoming Royalty Court Member, and I were walking to the Mizzou Rec Center for the LBC Freshman Action Team's annual dodgeball event. After attempting to enter through the main entrance and seeing that it was locked, we decided to take the walking trail located in­between the Rec Center and the HawLeWood Residence Hall area in order to enter through the entrance closest to the sand volleyball courts.

As we were walking, we see four young Caucasian men, who looked as if they could be freshmen or sophomores, also walking along the trail and approaching us. They were all wearing white button­down dress shirts and neckties. Amber and I quickly noticed that they were intoxicated, as one of them was being held up by two of his friends. The fourth one was wearing a backwards baseball cap and was walking behind the other three.

As we began to grow closer in proximity to the group of young men, I noticed the most heavily intoxicated of the four was recording a Snapchat video. Seeing us walk by, he takes a look at both Amber and I. Then, he proceeded to look back towards his phone camera and said loudly "You're a nigger."

There was a silence among all six of us, as Amber and I stopped walking out of shock that the young man would boldly make such a statement. The young man that was walking behind them quickly slapped his friend's shoulder and said "Hey, you can't SAY that." Then turned to me (at this point, we were right in front of each other), said "He wasn't talking to you guys." and the entire group proceeded to walk off.

Amber and I stood there for a few moments afterward, in anger and disbelief that something like this could happen, especially in light of the protesting currently occurring on our campus. After discussing what to do next, Amber contacted MUPD, who told her they would patrol the area in search of the suspects and would contact her for further information. After settling down after the emotion of the situation, I made a follow up call with MUPD and was told the same information.

To be a student at an "elite" university and be disrespected in such a way is disappointing. To know that just a month ago, a similar event occurred in which the LBC Homecoming Royalty Court, of which I was selected as Royalty Duchess, were also called "niggers" is disheartening. And to have this event occur in the midst of the protesting and action being taken by #ConcernedStudent1950 , yet we are still questioned as to why we continue to fight against administration is absolutely insane.

What hurts me the most, however, is that no matter how much I fight to make this university better by involving myself in organizations, taking on leadership positions, and aspiring to becoming one of Mizzou's notable alumni, the fact that the university I love does not love me back is constantly thrown in my face. My experience is far too similar to the experiences of many other African­American students on this campus. Yet, Mizzou continues to overshadow these issues with well written PR statements, campus wide movements and initiatives that never tackle the issue head on, and endless emails that acknowledge our struggles but never give action to them. We walk around this campus knowing that on any given day, there will be another racial issue. We go to classes with our white peers knowing that not only will they never understand our struggles, but many of them will refuse to try. We go to a university where the only place many of us feel comfortable is in a Black Studies class. This is unacceptable, and the university has made very little progress towards changing the racial climate here.

I don't have all the answers as to how to create a bigger change here. I'm not certain as to what plan can be followed to ensure that these incidents never happen again. What I do know, is that ALL of Mizzou, from students, to staff and faculty, to administration, needs to understand that the African­American population is important to this campus, and just as worthy of feeling comfortable here as anyone else. I, and the rest of my fellow black students, refuse to allow the ignorance on this campus to discourage me from receiving the education I need and deserve. We have earned our spot here, and the university needs to recognize that ALL of its students need to feel included and safe. We aren't going anywhere.

Respectfully, Alexis G. Ditaway

P.S. To the young man who so proudly informed me that I am a Nigger. I want you to know that that term is something that stems from my ancestor's past. In this present time, there are so many other labels you could have referenced me with, such as member of the National Association of Black Journalists, Programming Coordinator for your Mizzou Residence Hall Association, Student Success Center Ambassador, or, quite simply, my actual name. However, if knowing all of this still doesn't keep you from allowing the term "nigger" to escape your mouth, I'm more than willing to meet with you in person during my office hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays to discuss why you feel the way that you do. Perhaps me showing you some Respect and taking the Responsibility to show you black Excellence, will lead you on a Discovery of becoming a better person.

The next one comes from Dr. Cynthia M. Frisby, who teaches strategic communication at the Missouri School of Journalism. She wrote a long post on her Facebook feed, which we have re-printed here with permission:

I have been silent on FB about the racial situation on the Mizzou campus for a variety of reasons, but the main one is this: some of my friends say and post updates that are really hurtful and offensive when it comes to race and offending people of color and I keep quiet because I just don't think Facebook is the place to hold arguments or candid discussions of race. Think about it: No one changes their attitudes or beliefs after seeing offending posts and respond to the post by saying: "Oh my God,Thank you for showing me that I am a racist" or "Oh my God, because of you, I just realized that I am so privileged."

However, after many events on and off campus over recent months, I feel I have to say something and say it here. (You know this is going to be long, right? LOL)

I have lived in Columbia and been at the University for almost 18 years. During this time, I have been called the n word too many times to count. Some of you may recall my most recent experience while jogging on Route K in May of 2015 when I was approached by a white man in a white truck with a confederate flag very visible and proudly displayed. He leaned out his window (now keep in mind I run against traffic so his behavior was a blatant sign that something was about to happen). Not only did he spit at me, he called me the n-word and gave me the finger. Of course, I responded with "Oh yea, get out of your car you coward and say that to my face." He then raced off. Typical. Others of you may recall that after the Zimmerman trial, I wrote about my experiences being called the n word twice while I was on my jog. And yes, I have had a few faculty call me the n word and treat me with incredible disrespect. Yes, faculty. I have had a student who said he couldn't call me Dr. Frisby because that would mean that he thinks I am smart and he was told that blacks are not smart and do not earn degrees without affirmative action. Yes, true story. I have so many stories to share that it just doesn't make sense to put them all here.

What I am responding to is the frequent question I have been asked all week: How have I endured these many hateful experiences for over 17 years? I endured because God allows me to see the good and cup half full. I endured because I know my life is in God's hands and I do not walk alone. I endured because I find these to be teachable moments that I use in my classroom with my students. I endured (or better yet endure) because I have an amazing support system. I endure because there are far too many of my white friends that have a heart of gold, love people of any color with a passion and who have a strong trust in and love for the Lord. I endure because I have friends who are white and daily show me that there are people who can hurt when I do and who sincerely want to make this culture a better place. I endure because I look to the Lord to help me grow and be the best person I can be. I endure because I CHOSE AND CHOOSE to endure and overcome and I choose to overlook ignorance. Choosing to overlook these idiots doesn't make me a "sell-out" or be an uncle tom. I choose to endure because my mom and civil rights leaders taught me to never run but stand straight, tall and do not run. Racism is alive and it's everywhere. I endure because what I have gone through is nothing like what my mom went through in the 50s and 60s nor is it even close to what my Lord and Savior had to endure while on the earth (he, too, was spat at, made fun of and even nailed to a cross simply because He loved us/me that much). Yes, we are better off now than we were in the 50s but to some extent we are taking many steps backward by ignoring or not talking about the racial issues.

We need to have open discussions where people share their ignorance and learn from people who are different (I do this in my classroom every day and we learn and I learn so much.) So where am I going with this post?

I understand the anger. I understand that we've had enough. I also understand and agree with my friend Traci Wilson-kleekamp when she wrote "Jonathan L. Butler and #ConcernedStudent1950 please give space for mistakes, listening, learning and dialogue. This on the job training thing is powerful because it is SO VERY PUBLIC." I not only see this as on the job training for our administrators at MU, but I also see it as training for some of my very educated white friends.

The saddest of all things for me is to see how a few of my white friends are responding to these events and basic conflicts in race relations in our nation (i.e., police shootings, the President, etc). It hurts my heart when I see posts from these friends that make fun of us because we find things hurtful like dressing up in black face costumes or confederate flags flying high in my neighborhood. What bothers me is that the few of my white friends who feel this way have not taken time or energy to reach out to me and ask me why these things hurt or to understand what is going on or even send an email saying they are confused. For the two friends that have in the recent days, thank YOU. That speaks volumes of your openness to understand. You are not even saying that you agree, you just want to hear from me and my thoughts and experiences. Kudos to being open. Unlike my "other" so-called acquaintances. Instead they take to social media and make jokes of the students, say things like "oh my God, what else are these people going to find offensive?" or even dumber things like "i guess next year I will dress up as nothing." By the way: The Halloween costume event is not about not dressing up like someone, but it is about dressing up as characters not as a race of people. It is the heart and intent of a person.

I write this post to ask if those folks who find that the situation on campus is ridiculous to please be a little more open minded. Ask questions. Do your research. Heaven forbid you will put yourself in their shoes. Maybe you should dress up in black face and spend a month walking around in that costume and maybe then you will understand how we feel when you walk in a room or a store and get treated like a second class citizen. Maybe then you will understand that our feelings about being constantly referred to as niggers is more than "just getting over it." Maybe then you will understand why telling the students to get their "a@&S" in class because they are making much a do about nothing hurts and doesn't solve the problem.

I am much more than the n word. I am an educated black woman who happens to have worked hard for my PhD. I am a mom. I am a grandmother. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am an auntie. I am a cousin. I am loved by my family and friends. I am smart. I am funny (or so I think). I am a Christian who loves the Lord Jesus with my whole heart. I would die for Him as He died for us. I am YOUR FRIEND! Yes, I am all of these things. There is so much more to me than the n-word implies. Please consider that when you criticize the events on campus. yes, I am silly. yes, I am a drama queen who thinks I should have been born a celebrity. But what I am not is a nigger! Let me just say that. Consider that you have a friend who deserves and simply wants to be treated equally. You have an know a friend who jogs on route k and wants to do that without fear that some kids in a car will think it is funny to yell at me and pretend that they will run me off the road. Know that you have a friend who wants to walk out every day with confidence that she will not be spat on or yelled euphemisms simply because of the color of her skin. To make things better in our world, that would be a start. Does this make any sense?