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Brazil nuts

These are rich in selenium, a powerful antioxidant that appears to help improve acne, probably by protecting cells from inflammatory damage and preserving skinÕs elasticity. Selenium works particularly well when itÕs accompanied by vitamins E and A, so eat your Brazil nuts with some almonds and perhaps some red bell peppers.

Aim for: One Brazil nut delivers a full dayÕs supply. Other foods rich in selenium are meats, fish, poultry, onions, garlic and whole grains.


Oysters, beans, poultry, fish

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(and other foods rich in zinc)

No one knows exactly why, but getting enough zinc appears to help put the brakes on breakouts. It may be that zinc helps to control the release of male hormones that kick-start acne. Zinc also helps the body absorb vitamin A, another important nutrient for healthy skin.

Aim for: The recommended amount for men is 11 milligrams; for women, itÕs 8 milligrams. Ninety grams (3 ounces) of oysters has 30 milligrams of zinc, while the same amount of dark turkey meat has 4 milligrams (6 ounces = 8 mg).

Helpful hint: Vegetarians who avoid animal products altogether should consider consulting a nutritionist for advice on supplementing with zinc.



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Salmon, flaxseed

(and other foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids)

Some dermatologists think that omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep inflammation at bay, may help keep acne under control. Fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel all boast omega-3 fatty acids, as do flaxseed and walnuts.

Aim for: At least two servings of fatty fish per week. You can also sprinkle salads with flaxseed oil, use ground flaxseed in baking and smoothies, and add toasted walnuts to casseroles and hot and cold cereals.




Sweet potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, bell peppers

(and other foods rich in beta-carotene)

Beta-carotene (found in many orange-, yellow-, and red-hued fruits and vegetables) converts in the body to vitamin A, another of the nutrients that helps to enhance seleniumÕs benefits to skin.

Aim for: At least 1/2 cup (125 mL) of red- or yellow-hued vegetables a day.



Fruits and vegetables

When scientists looked at the diets of teens in the Kitavan Islands of New Guinea and the Ache region of Paraguay—where not one case of acne was found—they took note: The diets were rich in fruits and vegetables like yams and greens and low in refined foods like white sugar and white flour, which can cause hormones to spike.

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When people from a similar gene pool started to eat refined foods, they began to experience acne.

Aim for: At least eight servings a day. A serving generally means one medium piece of fruit, 1 cup (250 mL) of raw produce, or 1/2 cup (125 mL) of cooked produce.



Oranges, tomatoes, melons

(and other foods rich in vitamin C)

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These juicy vitamin C bombs wonÕt cure you of breakouts, but because the vitamin strengthens cell walls, it can help protect your skin from scarring that blemishes can cause. Bioflavonoids, which often come from a C source (such as the white rind inside citrus fruits), also act as natural anti-inflammatories that can enhance the healing action of vitamin C.

Aim for: Eat enough vitamin C–rich food to total 250 and preferably 500 mg of C per day. A half cup (125 mL) of raw red bell pepper has 163 mg, and 1 cup (250 mL) of strawberries has 85.




Almonds, eggs, leafy green vegetables (and other foods rich in vitamin E)

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The antioxidant vitamin E helps skin heal from damage and scarring caused by acne. ItÕs not easy to get a lot of E from a low-fat diet, but unrefined (minimally processed) vegetable oils, nuts, and whole grains are good sources.

Aim for: The recommended daily intake of vitamin E is 15 milligrams. One tablespoon (15 mL) of canola oil has 2 mg, and 30 g (1 ounce) of almonds has 7 mg. Some physicians recommend 200 mg or more per day, which youÕd need a supplement to get.

Helpful hint: Vitamin E is fat soluble, so eat it along with foods that contain a little fat. When you eat kale or spinach, for example, drizzle on a little olive oil.




Off the menu

Iodized salt and other strong sources of iodine. For unknown reasons, iodized salt can cause acne flare-ups. Watch the amount of sodium you take in from prepared and processed foods and how much iodized salt you add from the saltshaker. Consider using sea salt, which is lower in iodine. Also limit shrimp and shellfish, which are high in iodine.

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Refined foods. If youÕre serious about stopping acne, scale back on the ÒwhiteÓ foods in your diet—white bread, white flour, mashed potatoes, french fries and anything made with lots of sugar. They cause blood sugar and insulin to spike, and scientists suspect that those insulin spikes may contribute to acne. Diets full of refined foods and low in fruits and vegetables also come up short on magnesium, a mineral that helps to balance acne-inducing hormones.






Several studies have found that milk (regardless of the fat content) is associated with increased acne. One reason could be growth hormones that naturally occur in milk, says Logan. ÒEighty to 90 percent of milk is derived from pregnant cows and the researchers are starting to find that the natural growth hormones are stimulating the acne process,Ó he explains.

In fact, all dairy products except yogurt have been shown to raise the risk for breakouts. So if youÕre acne prone, Logan recommends cutting back on the milk products you eat.

ÒExperiment with total elimination [of dairy products] for about three weeks, then slowly reintroduce yogurt,Ó he suggests. The reason yogurt wonÕt give you zits: the fermentation process eliminates about 80 percent of naturally occurring growth hormones, Logan says.



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You want to keep your blood sugar balanced as much of possible in order to keep your skin looking healthy, says Logan. When a medium-size Coke at McDonalds contains 56 g of sugar, washing your Big Mac down with a pop can wreak havoc on your skin, causing everything from acne to visible signs of aging.

Treat soda like a special treat rather than a mealtime staple. Instead, quench your thirst with water flavoured with slices of your favourite fruit.



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Sandwich meats may be convenient, but the way theyÕre processed may cause wrinkles. While the exact reason why processed meats cause damage isnÕt known, experts suspect that the chemicals within these meats may lead to inflammation. ÒInflammatory chemicals are essentially like acid rain on the [your skinÕs] collagen,Ó explains Logan. He adds that there are similar connections between a diet heavy in processed meats (as opposed to fresh, lean meats) and greater risk for type 2 diabetes and cancer.

CanÕt live without your lunchtime sandwich? No problem. Layer slices of lean meats such as grilled chicken breast between your bread and eat bologna less often.



No. 2: Tweak Your Diet

Some foods cause your blood sugar to rise quickly, triggering a boost in insulin.

Too much insulin in your bloodstream can trigger changes in your body that can lead to the growth of pore-clogging cells. It can also boost action in your oil glands.

So make some changes to your meals. A study in the American Journal of Nutrition suggests you may have fewer breakouts if you add more whole grains, beans, and veggies and cut back on pasta, white rice, white bread, and sugar.


No. 1: Get More Sleep

According to a study in Sleep, the risk of psychological stress increases by 14% for every hour of sleep you lose a night. So what does this have to do with acne?

"Stress increases glucocorticoid production, which can lead to abnormalities in skin structure and function," says Sonia Badreshia-Bansal, a dermatologist in Danville, CA. And that can make conditions like acne worse.

Sleep Deprivation Causes Acne

When you sleep late, youÕll notice that your skin actually secretes more sebum, and this probably explains why it results in new acne. Again, from what IÕve read, a lack of sleep will promote stress and that causes an increase in the substance cortisol in the body. Cortisol in turn, causes the skin to secrete more sebum, which results in acne. Dr. Gil Yosipovich, professor of dermatology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine suggested that stress-related inflammation maybe to blame for the breakouts. ÒOur research suggests that acne severity associated with stress may result from factors others than sebum quantity. ItÕs possible that inflammation may be involved.Ó

Another factor connecting sleep deprivation to acne is the increase insulin resistance, which can contribute to one being acne-proned according to this medical article on acne causes. This is because insulin resistance can increase glucose or sugar that is one of the major causes of acne.



¥ Wash your face twice daily with a gentle non-drying facial cleanser (such as CLEAN & CLEAR¨ ESSENTIALS¨ or AVEENO¨ ULTRA-CALMING¨ Cleanser) and pat dry with a clean towel. Avoid soap, dirty towels, scented products and harsh cloths.


¥ Use a good moisturizer – look for the label Ònon-comedogenicÓ, which indicates that it will not cause acne.


¥ Try an over-the-counter anti-acne product that contains salicylic acid.


¥ Adopt a healthy lifestyle, which includes adding more fruits and veggies to your diet, cutting down on junk food, drinking more water and doing 30 minutes of exercise every day.


¥ Use a good sunblock, preferably with an SPF factor over 30, at least 20 minutes before sun exposure. Once again, quality is important, and make sure to look for an oil-free non-comedogenic formula.