Can Pancreatic Cancer Be Prevented? ACS

Processed and red meats and sugary drinks may also increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.

The American Cancer Society recommends following a healthy eating pattern that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and that limits or avoids red and processed meats, sugary drinks, and highly processed foods.

Can diet help pancreatic cancer? - healthline

Fruits and vegetables

The World Cancer Research Fund International recommends eating at least five servings of non-starchy vegetables and fruits daily. Cooked vegetables may be easier for you to tolerate than raw ones. Berries, citrus fruits, leafy greens, and cruciferous vegetables are high in antioxidants, fiber, and phytochemicals. Options include:

Protein-rich foods bolster the immune system and help repair cells and tissues. Easy-to-digest protein sources include:

Complex carbohydrates rich in fiber don’t spike blood sugar levels as quickly as simple carbs do. They also keep energy levels up. Good choices include:

Getting enough folate, a B vitamin found in this category of foods, is also important for reducing the risk of pancreatic cancer.

Green tea contains polyphenols, which may have anti-cancer properties.

Fat is necessary for overall health. It supplies energy and helps maintain core body temperature. Healthy fats include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, such as:

Pancreatic cancer reduces the ability of the pancreas to make enough insulin to control blood sugar. This may result in diabetes. Diabetes may also be a risk factor for getting pancreatic cancer.

If you have pancreatic cancer plus diabetes, you’ll want to choose foods which keep your blood sugar levels as low as possible. Look for options that are low in sugar and high in fiber, such as plant-based foods. Fruits, vegetables, and legumes are all good choices. You’ll want to stay away from processed foods, with lots of trans and saturated fat, and sugar.

What should I avoid?

Certain foods may be harder for you to digest, exacerbating your symptoms and making you feel worse. Any food that seems to worsen symptoms, such as diarrhea or vomiting, should be eliminated, at least temporarily. These foods can also increase your chances of pancreatic cancer recurring.

Foods to avoid include:

pancreatic cancer - mayo clinic


Pancreatic cancer begins in the tissues of your pancreas — an organ in your abdomen that lies behind the lower part of your stomach. Your pancreas releases enzymes that aid digestion and produces hormones that help manage your blood sugar.

Several types of growths can occur in the pancreas, including cancerous and noncancerous tumors. The most common type of cancer that forms in the pancreas begins in the cells that line the ducts that carry digestive enzymes out of the pancreas (pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma).

Pancreatic cancer is seldom detected at its early stages when it's most curable. This is because it often doesn't cause symptoms until after it has spread to other organs.

Pancreatic cancer treatment options are chosen based on the extent of the cancer. Options may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or a combination of these.


Signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer often don't occur until the disease is advanced. They may include:

Pancreatic Cancer by medlinePlus - US National Library of Medicine

pancreatic cancer American Cancer Society

pancreatic cancer action network PCAN