pears and apples - induced programmed cell death (apoptosis) in these cancer cells

green tea - preventive role in the development of lung cancer

salmon, mackerel, and herring - have vitamin D3 which inhibited the growth of lung cancer cells

dietary ginger intake reduced the risk of lung cancer metastases. metastases are the leading cause of death for people with cancer

Capers contain quercetin, which is a powerful antioxidant that appears to inhibit the growth of several cancers, especially cancers of the lung, brain, blood, and salivary gland.

Yellow curry contains an essential ingredient Turmeric. Turmeric has curcumin which facilitating cell death (apoptosis) in cancer cells. It also make tumors more sensitive to the effects of treatment with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. ** when cooked as curry, curcumin has a better availability and is better absorbed.

Berries such as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and cranberries are loaded with compounds known as anthocyanidins. One form of anthocyanidin known as delphinidin, it inhibited the growth of the tumors, limited the ability of the tumors to create new blood vessels in order to expand (something known as angiogenesis) and induced cell death (apoptosis) among the cancer cells. anthocyanidins may help prevent the formation of blood clots (thrombosis).

Carrots are an excellent source of a phytochemical known as chlorogenic acid, and the acid makes the tumor unable to create a blood supply for itself, so tumors cannot continue to expand. flaxseed, apples, strawberries, potatoes, and pineapple are good too!

Red grape juice (best), dark chocolate and blueberries (good). One of the problems with lung cancer treatment is that cancer cells have a mind of their own. The are "smart" if you will, and become resistant to treatments designed to eliminate them. Thankfully it's been found that compounds such as resveratrol may sensitize tumors to the effects of treatment.

Tomatoes, and especially tomato sauces, contain lycopene, a potent compound for both reducing the risk of cancer and fighting it. It may inhibit growth of tumors, interfere with the process in which lung cancer cells divide, inhibit the spread of cancer, and assist in ridding the body of cancer cells through apoptosis.

it's important to know that zinc deficiency is associated with a decline in immunity—something very important for cancer patients. enriched breakfast cereals contain a decent amount of zinc as well.

cruciferous vegetables - is an excellent source of isothiocyanates, compounds which not only interfere with the process of cancer cells dividing to inhibit tumor growth but seem to enhance the effect of radiation therapy in killing cancer cells.